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Cover image for Free Image Hosting
Anshul Negi
Anshul Negi

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Free Image Hosting

This is a submission for the The Pinata Challenge

What I Built

Free Image Hosting is a web application that allows users to temporarily store and share image files. It utilizes Pinata for storage and retrieval, enabling optimized image retrieval. MongoDB is used to store image properties and URLs.


Website : Live

Website Overview


Configure Image

Edit Image Configuration

Get Temporary Url

Temporary Url

Getting Image by temporary Url

Image Preview

Url Expired/Image Not Found/Url Not Found

Url not found

My Code

Free Image Hosting

Store and share file with temporary url.

A Next.js-based application that uses Pinata to store image files and MongoDB to store data. Images can be configured with different properties for optimization. Documents are deleted using a TTL index in MongoDB, and triggers-functions in MongoDB remove the corresponding files from Pinata

πŸš€ Features

  • Seamless Image Upload: File API to upload image.
  • Signed Url: Signed Url to access image for limited amount of time.
  • Optimized Performance: Leverages Pinata's Image Opimization for fast content delivery and enhanced user experience.

πŸ“‚ Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React, Next.js
  • Backend: Next.js, Pinata API, MongoDb
  • Styling: Bootstrap
  • Hosting: Vercel

βš™οΈ Setup & Installation

  1. Clone the Repository
    git clone
    cd fimh
    Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  2. Install Dependencies::
    npm install
    Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  3. Environment Variables: Set up environment variables for Pinata API keys in a .env.local file(Place .env.local inside fimh folder):
    Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
  4. …

More Details

Pinata Files API is used to upload the image.
Pinata Signed URL is used to access the image for a limited amount of time.
Pinata Image Optimizations can be set to improve the load time and experience when viewing image content.

For project setup and other configuration Github

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