DEV Community

What are your favorite themes for your IDE/Shell?

Antonin J. (they/them) on May 05, 2020

I'm on the hunt for a new VIM/VSCode/ZSH theme, I'd love to hear what your favorite ones are! (Mine will be in the comments)

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay • Edited

For VS Code, 2077. Screenshot is from when I was following along with Adam Wathan's TicketBeast tutorial project a while ago.


ZSH with Oh My ZSH and powerlevel10k theme, running in Konsole on Kubuntu. Konsole theme is Inspiration. There are a number of matching parts for KDE Plasma, GTK 2 & 3, icons, application colors, and login and splash screens.


Before anyone says anything, no, I wasn't trying to match VS Code and the rest of Inspiration. I found the Inspiration set for KDE first and found the VS Code theme later. But I really liked the VS Code neon theme, so I decided to use it. Maybe when I get time I can fork it and tweak to be a more blue/green version.

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

I think I've used 2077 before. i love that purple aesthetic! I've used purple themes and they're so nice.

Yeah, idk i don't ever try to match the themes. It all blurs together too much. Plus, using a terminal is different from a code editor. I like the separation. :)

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

I really do love this Code theme. The author did it so well.

I may still do a greenish variant instead of the purple, just to have the option. I'm partial to blues and greens, but the themes I've come across with those tones were too bland and usually had only greens and blues (very much adding to the blandness).

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jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay

Actually, I'm a bit torn on this... I think even if I did go forward with this, I would want to ensure the purples are incorporated somehow. Maybe if I just rotated/adjusted some colors...

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endormi profile image
endormi • Edited

Hey! Thanks for using the theme and thanks for the kind words!

theoparis profile image
Theo Paris

I use the Horizon Bold for Visual Studio Code, and spacefish for the fish shell.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

I'm currently using the Min dark theme for VS Code, although I still love Night Owl. For ssh, I use the Agnoster theme.

Screenshot of VSCode with my current theme Min dark

antjanus profile image
Antonin J. (they/them)

My ZSH theme is Steeef paired with Tango theme for my terminal (don't have a link for it, it seems to be built-in for most terminals?)

zsh steef and tango theme

I pair this with VIM gotham theme

vim theme

And finally, I use the Universe theme for VSCode when I'm in VSCode.

vscode universe theme

secure_daily profile image

I use Dracula for Neovim/Vim, and Monokai High Contrast for Code.

canro91 profile image
Cesar Aguirre

Solarized Dark on all my IDEs

marcofiset profile image
Marco Fiset

I'm a big fan of Nord!