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William Robson
William Robson

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CHAT GPT4o's Filetypes for Github - Noobs like me

I am not a programer, but I am a creative in the film industry, past political aid and a highly skilled researcher with an analytical mind for problems and solutions. Currently I am LEARNING TO BUILD a website which I have restarted several times.The Book of Meow. So you see, I know nothing...

EXCEPT I do have a knack for utilizing ChatGPT having utilized the OpenAI tool since it was available. Research is my fortier. Learning how to ask the right question, or in this case the best prompt is what unlocks the right answer.

PROMPT: Generate a detailed list of file types that can be used to operate a GitHub program, organized by their usage in a typical GitHub project structure. Then provide: Steps to Set Up a GitHub Project & Examples of Git commands using key parts of the structure above.

Code and Script Files:

Python Scripts (.py): For writing the main code of your application or scripts.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript (.html, .css, .js): For web development projects, creating static and dynamic web pages.
Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb): For data science projects, allowing you to write and run Python code in an interactive environment.


Text Files (.txt): For simple documentation or README files.

Markdown Files (.md): Although not listed above, Markdown files are commonly used in GitHub projects for README files, contributing guidelines, and other documentation.

Rich Text Format (.rtf), Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx): For more detailed documentation, though these are less common in repositories compared to plain text or Markdown.

Data and Configuration

Spreadsheet Files (.csv): For storing data that your program might process.

JSON (.json), XML (.xml): For configuration files, data interchange, and API responses.


Presentation Files (.ppt, .pptx): For slideshows to present your project, though these are not typically part of the repository but can be included for presentation purposes.

Additional Resources

Image Files (.png, .jpg, .jpeg, .svg): For adding visuals to your documentation, such as diagrams, screenshots, or icons.

GITHUB Repository Structure

GITHUB Example

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