DEV Community

Asif Rashid
Asif Rashid

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HTTP Methods and REST APIs

HTTP methods, also known as HTTP verbs, are a core part of REST API design. They represent the different actions that can be performed on a resource. The following are the most common HTTP methods used in REST APIs:

GET: retrieves a representation of a resource
POST: creates a new resource
PUT: updates an existing resource
DELETE: deletes a resource

HTTP methods in REST APIs are crucial to their design, allowing clients to interact with resources clearly and consistently. The HTTP method in a request indicates the intended action, and the server can respond accordingly.

For example, a GET request to /users/{id} would retrieve a representation of the user resource, while a DELETE request to /users/{id} would delete the user resource.

This combination of resource-oriented URIs and HTTP methods is a significant improvement over the older Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) APIs. In SOAP APIs, the intended action was determined by the structure of the request rather than the HTTP method used. SOAP made it harder for clients to understand the API, and adding new API functionality even harder.

In contrast, REST APIs use standard HTTP methods and well-defined URIs to provide a clear and straightforward way for clients to interact with resources. HTTP methods make REST APIs easier to understand, easier to use, and easier to extend, making them a better choice for modern web services.

In conclusion, HTTP methods play a crucial role in REST API design, and their use in combination with resource-oriented URIs provides a clear and straightforward way for clients to interact with resources. The use of HTTP methods in REST APIs is a significant improvement over older SOAP APIs, and provides a more scalable and maintainable solution for modern web services.

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