VueJS provide some classes by default to apply css styles on any of this classes, every class represents a phase to show the elements, think this classes as hooks for templates tags, this are:
- v-enter-active
- v-leave-active
- v-enter
- v-enter-to
- v-leave-to
Here a snippet that you can use on to make this common responsive menus from the right or left:
<transition name="show">
<p>Menu item</p>
<p>Menu item</p>
Then on the styles tag of the component or a dedicated stylesheet, you can change the "v" prefix on vuejs transitions classes by the css class name:
.show-leave-enter {
transform: translateX(0);
transition: all .3s linear;
.show-leave-to {
transform: translateX(100%);
You can apply any css transition like fadeIn effects, this is a very helpful feature of VueJS.
Thanks for reading.
Top comments (2)
This is great! Something that I can use in my personal project. Thanks!
Thanks for reading! hope this is helpful