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Arkadeep Nag
Arkadeep Nag

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Artificial Learners, Not Artificial Intelligence: Why Bigger Data Isn't Enough

In recent years, we’ve seen incredible advancements in machine learning. From language models that can generate realistic conversations to vision systems capable of identifying objects with remarkable accuracy, the progress is undeniable. But, as these systems grow larger and more complex, it’s becoming clear that we aren’t on the path to true artificial general intelligence (AGI)—the kind that can reason, understand, and adapt like humans. Instead, we are building "artificial learners"—machines that excel at learning from data but lack genuine understanding or intelligence.

More Data, Less Understanding

A defining trend in AI development has been to make systems bigger by feeding them more data. Take GPT-3, for example, a language model with 175 billion parameters, trained on hundreds of gigabytes of text data. This scale allows it to generate fluent, human-like language. But beneath the surface, these systems don't actually understand the world the way humans do.

Research has shown that simply scaling up models with more data does not equate to deeper understanding. A study from OpenAI comparing GPT-2 and GPT-3 found that while larger models show improved performance on many benchmarks, they still struggle with tasks requiring reasoning, abstraction, or common sense. For instance, when asked simple logic puzzles or math problems, GPT-3’s performance is much worse than one might expect from a system with such vast resources. This suggests that adding more data doesn’t fundamentally change the nature of these systems—they remain statistical models, not true reasoning entities.

Moreover, the growth in model size has come with diminishing returns in terms of performance gains. The improvements from increasing the size of these models are getting smaller with each iteration. According to a study, while the largest models (with billions of parameters) outperform smaller ones, the performance increase is relatively modest given the huge increase in computational cost. This calls into question whether bigger models alone are the answer to developing more intelligent systems.

The Mirage of Intelligence

These systems can be impressive in specific tasks—completing text, identifying images, or even playing complex games like chess or Go—but this doesn’t imply they have any real understanding of what they’re doing. When interacting with them, the responses may seem intelligent, but that’s largely due to the vast amounts of data they’ve been trained on and their ability to mimic patterns found in that data.

For example, in a study from MIT, researchers demonstrated that language models like GPT-3 can be easily tricked by slightly altering questions or phrasing. Despite having access to vast data, these models often fail to grasp simple concepts or adapt to unexpected inputs. They don’t "understand" the context like a human would; instead, they rely on statistical correlations between words. When those correlations break down, so does the model’s performance. This shows that while these systems are adept learners, they lack the deeper reasoning required for general intelligence.

The Limits of Data-Driven Learning

Adding more data has also not solved issues related to bias, fairness, or robustness. Large models often inadvertently reinforce the biases present in their training data. A 2020 study by researchers at Stanford highlighted that language models trained on internet text reflect the societal biases found in those texts. For example, models trained on large datasets can produce biased or harmful outputs, simply reflecting the biases in the data they were exposed to, without any inherent "understanding" of the implications of those outputs.

Another limitation is the inability of data-driven models to transfer knowledge effectively to new, unseen tasks. A hallmark of human intelligence is our ability to apply knowledge gained in one domain to a completely different one. AI models, by contrast, are typically specialized to perform specific tasks they've been trained for. When presented with new tasks or environments, they often struggle. A 2022 paper from Google Research revealed that scaling up models doesn’t automatically make them better at generalizing to unfamiliar tasks. Despite training on vast amounts of data, these systems can fail dramatically when faced with scenarios outside their training distribution.

The Pursuit of AGI: A Misguided Path?

The pursuit of AGI—the kind of intelligence that mirrors human cognitive abilities—will likely not be achieved by simply scaling up data and models. Data-driven approaches, while powerful for specific tasks, do not lead to the kind of general reasoning, problem-solving, and understanding required for true intelligence. What we have today are highly specialized learners, capable of mastering certain tasks within narrowly defined domains, but unable to generalize their learning or engage in deeper cognitive functions.

In contrast, human intelligence is built on an understanding of the world, the ability to reason about causes and effects, and the flexibility to apply knowledge across contexts. Current AI models lack this adaptability. They are artificial learners—extremely good at learning from patterns in data—but they fall far short of true intelligence.

Moving Beyond Artificial Learners

The path forward in AI may not lie in simply building bigger models with more data but in developing new architectures that mimic the processes underlying human cognition. This might involve combining deep learning with other approaches like symbolic reasoning, causal inference, or even neuromorphic computing, which aims to replicate the structure of the human brain. These approaches could allow systems to not only learn from data but also reason, understand, and adapt to new and unforeseen challenges.

In conclusion, while the current wave of AI models has achieved impressive feats, we are not on the path to creating artificial general intelligence. Instead, we are refining artificial learners—systems that are excellent at processing and learning from data but fundamentally limited in their ability to reason, understand, or generalize. If we want to build machines that are truly intelligent, we’ll need to move beyond the paradigm of bigger data and start focusing on the deeper, cognitive processes that make human intelligence so unique.


  1. Brown, T. et al. (2020). Language Models are Few-Shot Learners. OpenAI.
  2. Bender, E. et al. (2021). On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big? FAccT Conference.

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