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Alex Robson
Alex Robson

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Local Kubernetes - Adding An Ingress Controller

Previous Posts in This Series

A Brief Explanation of Kubernetes Networking

Unlike running Docker containers with ports bound to a host port, Kubernetes does not expose container ports or assign them an IP address. Kubernetes has a service resource that exposes ports in a POD to a named endpoint and port.

A service provides a predictable way to access containers via the internal cluster network. The container will only be reachable from within the cluster through the service.

In the last post, we used m8s dashboard-proxy to make the kubernetes-dashboard service accessible outside the cluster.

To see the manifest of the kubernetes-dashboard service, issue the following:

k8s get service -n kube-system kubernetes-dashboard -o yaml
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Note: The service binds the port for this named service to the targetPort on the Pod.

To display the manifest for the dashboard pod, issue the command:

k8s describe pod -n kube-system kubernetes-dashboard
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Look for the ports collection inside the container spec for kubernetes-dashboard to see the port setting 8443/TCP.

Enabling DNS

Kubernetes' DNS provides service discovery, a valuable feature when containers can disappear or get added, resulting in a shifting set of IP addresses.

To add DNS, type:

m8s enable dns
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Editing The Dashboard's Deployment and Service

For safety, the dashboard is secure by default and allows HTTPS only through a certificate it creates. I want to demonstrate how to host the dashboard through the ingress controller through port 80. In a future post, we'll secure this with SSL termination on the ingress controller.

The dashboard will require changes to host HTTP traffic and updating the service to bind to a different target port.

Changing The Deployment

To fetch the current deployment manifest for the dashboard, use the following:

k8s get deployment -n kube-system kubernetes-dashboard -o yaml > dashboard-deployment.yml
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Open your favorite editor and follow each set of directions.

Enable Insecure Login

Change --auto-generate-certificates to --enable-insecure-login to forgo generating self-signed certificates and bind the dashboard process to port 9090.

Change 8443 to 9090

We need to change the port the container will expose to 9090 from 8443 under the ports section.

Update the Liveness Probe

Edit the liveness probe section by changing the httpGet's port to 9090 and the scheme to HTTP.

Apply the Changes

Save the changes you made to the file and apply our changes to the deployment; issue the following:

k8s apply -f ./dashboard-deployment.yml
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Changing The Service

Now that our dashboard deployment is bound to port 9090, we need to update our service. To fetch the service manifest, type:

k8s get service -n kube-system kubernetes-dashboard -o yaml > dashboard-service.yml
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Change The Ports

We'll change the port from 443 to 80 and targetPort from 8443 to 9090.

Apply the Changes

Save your changes and update the service as we did with the deployment with the following:

k8s apply -f ./dashboard-service.yml
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Adding the NGINX Ingress Controller

An Ingress Controller is how Kubernetes accepts incoming HTTP requests through a fixed set of IPs and directs them to the correct backing Pods/Containers based on configuration.

To install the NGINX Ingress Controller from Kubernetes, we can enable the add-on as follows:

microk8s enable ingress
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Creating Ingress for The Dashboard

Save the following YAML for the manifest in a file http-dashboard-ingress.yml:

kind: Ingress
  name: http-ingress
  namespace: kube-system
  annotations: "true" /$2    
  - http:
      - path: /dash(/|$)(.*)
        pathType: Prefix
            name: kubernetes-dashboard
              number: 80
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From your shell, the following command will cause the ingress controller to update the NGINX configuration.

k8s create -f ./http-dashboard-ingress.yml
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The new NGINX configuration forwards all requests to port 80 to the dashboard container.

Finding The Cluster IP

To access the dashboard, we'll need the IP address of the cluster. The endpoint slice named kubernetes should resolve to the Ingress controller. Fetch the list of endpoint slices with the following:

k8s get endpointslices
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Accessing The Dashboard

The dashboard should now be accessible via port 80 at the URL /dash/. The dashboard should display a notification in red at the bottom notifying you that authentication is disabled since you're accessing it via an unsecured (HTTP) connection through an IP other than localhost or

Creating a Proxy

The proxy built into microk8s is not compatible with the changes made to the dashboard deployment. The port-forward feature in Kubernetes creates a tunnel from a specified resource to the localhost.

k8s -n ingress port-forward service/ingress 8008:80
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Now the dashboard can be accessed http://localhost:8008/dash/ and will accept authentication.

Up Next

In the next post, I'll look at options for SSL termination.


Kubernetes Services

Microk8s Addon: Ingress

NGINX Ingress Controller

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