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Arsalan Mlaik
Arsalan Mlaik

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What is the difference between Java and C++?

Java C++
Object-Oriented Language Multiparadigm Language
platform independent Platform-dependent
Automatic Memory Management (Garbage Collection) Manual Memory Management
Robust and Secure More prone to memory-related bugs
Strongly typed Support for both strong and weak typing
Extensive Standard Library Smaller Standard Library
Syntax is more readable and simpler Syntax is more complex
Slower execution speed compared to C++ Faster execution speed compared to Java
Excellent support for networking and web development Widely used in game development and system programming
Popular choice for enterprise applications Popular choice for low-level programming
Java does not support operator overloading, Goto statements, pointers, structures, unions, etc. C++ supports operator overloading, Goto statements, pointers, structures , unions, etc.
Java does not support multiple inheritance While c++ supports It

Please note that this table provides a general overview of some key differences between Java and C++. The choice between the two depends on various factors such as project requirements, performance needs, existing codebase, and personal preferences.

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