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Arshi Saxena
Arshi Saxena

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Static Keyword: Accessing Static and Non-Static Members in Methods

In this post, we’ll focus on how methods interact with static and non-static members and why static local variables are not allowed. This is a common interview topic and a crucial concept for Java developers.

This post builds on the concepts covered in previous posts of this series. If you're new to the static keyword, I recommend checking out Static Block and Static Variables for a better foundation before diving into the topics discussed here.

Overview of Static Methods and Members

  • Static members (variables or methods) belong to the class rather than an instance of the class.
  • Non-static members are tied to a specific object and unique to each instance.

Since static methods operate at the class level, they can’t access instance members directly.

Program Demonstrating Static and Non-Static Access:

package keywords.static_keyword;

public class StaticVariables {

    // Static and non-static variables
    static int idStatic = 1;  // Shared across all instances
    int id;                   // Unique to each instance
    String name;              // Unique to each instance

    // Static block – Runs once when the class is loaded
    static {
        displayStatic();  // Call to static method

        // Cannot access non-static method in static block
        display(); // --> Compilation error

    // Constructor to initialize non-static variables
    public StaticVariables(String name) { = ++idStatic;  // Increment static ID for every new instance = name;

    // Non-static method: Can access both static and non-static members
    void display() {
        System.out.println("Instance Method:");
        System.out.println("Static ID: " + idStatic + ", Instance ID: " +
        id + ", Name: " + name);

    // Static method: Can only access static members directly
    static void displayStatic() {
        System.out.println("Static Method:");
        System.out.println("Static ID: " + idStatic);

        // Static local variables are not allowed
        static int localVar = 10; // --> Compilation error

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Call static method directly

        // Create instances to access non-static methods
        StaticVariables obj1 = new StaticVariables("Object1");
        StaticVariables obj2 = new StaticVariables("Object2");

        // Access non-static methods through objects
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Key Concepts and Access Rules

1. Why Are Static Local Variables Not Allowed in Java?

Java does not allow static local variables inside methods or blocks.

  • Reason:
    • Local variables belong to the method’s stack frame and are created when the method is invoked.
    • Static variables, however, are class-level members and should be accessible across the entire class lifecycle.
    • Allowing a static variable within a method would cause a contradiction because the method’s local variables have a short lifespan tied to the method's execution.
static void displayStatic() {
    static int localVar = 10; // --> Compilation error
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2. Static Methods

  • Can directly access static variables and other static methods.
  • Cannot access non-static members directly (since no object exists in a static context).

3. Non-Static Methods

  • Can access both static and non-static members.
  • This flexibility exists because non-static methods belong to an object instance, giving them access to both the class-level and instance-level data.

4. Static Block

  • Executes once when the class is loaded by the JVM.
  • Can call static methods but cannot call non-static methods directly, as no object is available at this point.

Program Output

Static Method:
Static ID: 1
Instance Method:
Static ID: 2, Instance ID: 2, Name: Object1
Instance Method:
Static ID: 3, Instance ID: 3, Name: Object2
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Summary of Rules

Context Access Static Members Access Non-Static Members Allow Static Local Variables?
Static Method Yes No No
Non-Static Method Yes Yes No
Static Block Yes No No

When to Use Static Methods?

  • Utility or Helper Functions: E.g., Math.pow().
  • When No Instance Data Is Required: Operations independent of object state.


Static methods and members are essential tools in Java. Here are the key takeaways:

  • Static methods operate at the class level and can only access static members directly.
  • Non-static methods have access to both static and non-static members.
  • Static local variables are not allowed in Java due to the conflict between method scope and static lifetime.

By understanding these rules, you'll be able to use static methods effectively in your programs.

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Happy Coding!

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