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Git Subtree in 1 minute

"Git subtree" are often described like a better Git Sub-module.

Git subtree gives the possibility to nest one repository into another repository. It's very useful to manage dependencies in your project.


  • Modifying content of the module without having another repository.
  • Keep your metadata files clean.
  • Users don't need to learn specific command to modify modules and files.
  • After initializing the subtree, all the code is available in the main tree and subtree.
  • Can create easier workflow.


  • Upstream flow is more difficult to modify.
  • Need to use git subtree instead of git merge.
  • Potential mistakes while committing and mixing super and sub into commit.
  • listing multiples subtree is complicated

Creating a subtree

To add a subtree you need a repository with at least 1 commit(initial commit).

Then you can add your subtree like this.

git subtree add --prefix subtreeDirectory master --squash

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Here we clone this repo --> master branch in subtreeDirectory.

Pull new commits to the subtree repository

Use pull instead of add.


git subtree pull --prefix subtreeDirectory master 
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You can update the subtree remote repo.

git subtree push --prefix subtreeDirectory master
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Note: The commit will be stored in the host repository and with it logs.


Subtree > Submodule

Feel free to @ me on Twitter with your opinion & feedback about my article; Constructive feedback is always welcome.

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