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Day 3: Data types and variables in python 🧡

You do not need to specify which data you assigning to variable. It is smart⛓ enough to recognize which datatype you are holding.
We will understand data type and variables hand to hand.

python variables

Variable in programming(in general) is nothing but a value that can be used multiple times in your code.


# syntax
# variable_name = data
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Look at below bad example

# take the user input name 
# and append welcome as a prefix
# bad apprach that might annoy user
print("welcome "+input("enter your name"))
print("bye "+input("enter your name"))
# use might save variable space (memory space) but it will be bad user experience
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Now example (good)

# good approach
# you might need username in future reference for the code so
name = input("enter your name")
print("welcome "+ name)
print("bye ")
# good approach
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Variable naming

  • use camleCasing
  • a variable name cannot start with a number. 9ty must be invalid.
  • Only special symbol allowed are underscore (_).

all below variable are valid

user_name = "aryan"
g8 = "aryan"
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supported datatypes [important]

I don't want to afraid you with hordes of data category.

# 1. string
# nothing but values between " and '
name = "aryan"
# 2. integer
# a number 
age = 26
PI = 3.14 # float
# 3. bool
# a value which either true or false
isQualify = True
canVote = False
# 4. list/array
# python array can hold multiple values (a container for different data)
fruits = ["apple","Banana🍌","mango"]
# 5. Dictionary
# a datatype that holds key value pair
# As of Python 3.7, dictionaries are ordered (items have a defined order).
# In Python 3.6 and earlier, dictionaries are unordered.
dict = {"brand": "Ford", "model": "Mustang", "year": 1964}
# 6. tuple
# an immutable datatype that contains any number of value and datatype and are ordered.
any_tuple = (1, "hello", 3.14, True, [10, 20])
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complete index

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