
Cover image for day 6: comments and escape sequence and flushes in python ๐Ÿ„โ€โ™€๏ธ

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day 6: comments and escape sequence and flushes in python ๐Ÿ„โ€โ™€๏ธ

complete index

how to write comments in python

You can write comments in to way. The first one is # and other one is using three quotes.

one way

# this is comment
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second way

this is 
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escape sequence gives you super power how you write a code

The purpose of the ES are adding line-break, using special characters etc.


# you can add a line break in your print 
print("hello aryan,\n thanks for applying for the course๐Ÿ‘‹")
# below code snippet is wrong
print("hello aryan,
thanks for applying")
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hello aryan,
 thanks for applying for the course๐Ÿ‘‹
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you might want to use double quotes inside double quotes ?

you can use \(char) to show on the console output

print("this is new line : \\n") # it will print \n
print("this is \"") # this will print "
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this is new line: \n
this is "
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more about python print

Python print is a very powerful method. It takes four parameter.

  1. Object - multiple strings
  2. sep - seperator for objects
  3. end - statement should end with (more in below ex)
  4. file - specify output to particular file
  5. flush
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# we already have talked about objects in previous blogs ๐Ÿงก
print("hello","world",sep='-') # hello-world
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It append whatever pass to it.

print("hello aryan",end="\n")
print("welcome to your dashboard๐Ÿงก")
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file (bit advance will talk about later)



This is a boolean that specifies whether the output should be flushed (i.e., forced to be written out) immediately. default value is false.

print("Hello, World!", flush=True)
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The flush parameter in the print() function is used to control the output buffering behavior. By default, output to the console or a file is buffered, meaning it is stored in a temporary location before being written out. This can improve performance but sometimes you need the output to be written immediately. This is where the flush parameter comes in handy.


print("hello, world", flush=True) # wont wait for buffer
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# in this example, each number is printed immediately, without waiting for the loop to finish.
import time
for i in range(5):
   print(i,end=" ",flush=True)
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# intractive prompts
print("do you want to continue(y/n)?",end=" ",flush=True)
response = input()
# Here, the prompt is displayed immediately, allowing the user to see it before they enter their response.
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Why use flushโœ ?

  • Immediate feedback - Ensures that the user sees the output right away, which is crucial for interactive applications.
  • Debugging - Helps in debugging by making sure that all print statements are executed in real-time.
  • Logging - Useful in logging scenarios where you want to capture events as they happen.


Buffers are nothing but the temporary storage๐Ÿฌ used to store data while they are being transferred๐ŸšŒ.

note- flush is very important in respect to interviews. I want to cover it prior to any topic ๐Ÿงก.

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