We will cover briefly about
- PaginatedDataTable..
- CustomPaginatedTable (Wrapper over PaginatedDataTable)
Note: For changes to data, we have used Provider….This article won’t be explaining how the changes gets notified….
Introducing PaginatedDataTable….

Hosted URL : https://fir-signin-4477d.firebaseapp.com/#/
Article here: https://flatteredwithflutter.com/using-paginateddatatable-in-flutter-web/
As per the documentation :
A material design data table that shows data using multiple pages.
A paginated data table shows rowsPerPage rows of data per page and provides controls for showing other pages.
Data is read lazily from from a DataTableSource.
Note : Data is read lazily, which means the widget is already respective performance optimization….
For this article, we have created a custom widget called CustomPaginatedTable..(Basically a wrapper over PaginatedDataTable)..

This is the structure of our CustomPaginatedTable. We have kept some defaults inside the latter lines of our constructor…
In case, you want to just see a sample table, you can
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CustomPaginatedTable();
This will initialize the paginatedDataTable with default data and source…
Fetching data to show..
We have used sample rest api service…
This gives us a list of 10 users…Then we have moulded the response into a UserModel..
Now, to show the usermodel in the CustomPaginatedTable, we need to
- Specify dataColumns (this takes in a list)
For instance,
label: Text(DataTableConstants.colPhone),
tooltip: DataTableConstants.colPhone,
label: Text(DataTableConstants.colWebsite),
tooltip: DataTableConstants.colWebsite,
label: Text(DataTableConstants.otherDetails),
tooltip: DataTableConstants.otherDetails,
Output :

- Specify dataSource (this takes in a class extendingDataTableSource)
Note : This is responsible for showing the rows inside the datatable…and by default implements notifyListeners.
We create a class called UserDataTableSource,

@required List<UserModel> userData,
}) : _userData = userData,
assert(userData != null);
final List<UserModel> _userData;
We will pass the list of UserModel to our UserDataTableSource
- Showing the rows of data,
DataRow getRow(int index){
int get rowCount => _userData.length;
For each index, we will parse the desired values as

NOTE : Number of DataCell (here) and DataColumn (see above step), should be same..

Implement Sorting …
Most of the time, we might want to sort the data, for instance, in this example.
We want to sort by email, name and id..
Lets implement our sorting logic..

Create a method called sort, inside the UserDataTableSource…
getField : What type of field (present in the UserModel), you want to sort
ascending : sort by asc or desc
Lets go back to the dataColumns , where we have a list…
label: Text(DataTableConstants.colID),
numeric: true,
tooltip: DataTableConstants.colID,
onSort: (colIndex, asc) {
_sort<num>((user) => user.id, colIndex, asc, _src, _provider);
there is a property in DataColumn called onSort..
In our main class, we need to have our own function, where we specify
void _sort<T>(
Comparable<T> Function(UserModel user) getField,
int colIndex,
bool asc,
UserDataTableSource _src,
UserDataNotifier _provider,
) {
_src.sort<T>(getField, asc);
_provider.sortAscending = asc;
_provider.sortColumnIndex = colIndex;
Note : The above fxn (_sort) is a private one, (only accessible from our class), and in turn calls the UserDataTableSource’s sort
Time to implement this inside our DataColumns (Name, id and email)…

For id, we specify type as num… For name/email, we specify as String…
And now we can sort…..
Inside our CustomPaginatedTable, we have a property called onRowChanged. This basically binds to the onRowsPerPageChanged property of PaginatedDataTable..
First we set the value of rowsPerPage (property) to a default value
and when we want to change the value, we call the fxn onRowChanged and pass in the selected value..
onRowChanged: (index) => _provider.rowsPerPage = index,
rowsPerPage: _provider.rowsPerPage,

Actions on DataTable…
In order to show actions (refresh in our case), we specify (in our CustomPaginatedTable)
showActions: true,
and for the type of action, we set
actions: <IconButton>[
splashColor: Colors.transparent,
icon: const Icon(Icons.refresh),
onPressed: () {
_showSBar(context, DataTableConstants.refresh);
This shows the following refresh icon (top right) :

View Other Details
Sometimes, we want to hide extra details, and show only if user requests. For that we have the OtherDetails field..
There is an icon(reverse triangle) associated with each row,..
hoverColor: Colors.transparent,
splashColor: Colors.transparent,
icon: const Icon(Icons.details),
onPressed: () => onRowSelect(index),
and on the click of the icon, we open a dialog and show that row’s details..
onRowSelect: (index) => _showDetails(context, _model[index]),
userData: _model,
void _showDetails(BuildContext c, UserModel data) async =>
await showDialog<bool>(
context: c,
builder: (_) => CustomDialog(
showPadding: false,
child: OtherDetails(data: data),
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