We will cover briefly:
- Caching APIs (Go) using Redis
- Redis Subscription using Pub/Sub
- Calling API using React
What is Redis?
Redis, which stands for Remote Dictionary Server, is a fast, open source, in-memory, key-value data store. It delivers sub-millisecond response times, enabling millions of requests per second for real-time applications.
Redis is a key-value-based NoSQL database that stores data in memory, i.e. in RAM.
Use cases of Redis
- Caching
- Geospatial
- Chat, messaging, and queues
- Gaming leaderboards
Advantages of Redis
- Simple, fast, and easy to use
- Supports a variety of data structures
- Allows storing key and value pairs as large as
512 MB
- High availability using Redis Sentinel
Disadvantages of Redis
- Requires huge RAM (although depends on the type of application)
- Failover happens if the master at least
slave - Data can only be accessed via keys
Setting up Redis
We will setup Redis using Docker
docker run -d -p 6379:6379 --name redis redis
Nowadays there are some hosting providers such as AWS, Redis Labs, or Upstash that provide Redis on the cloud.
There are many ways of connecting to Redis. In our case, we will be using the RedisCLI
Since we have the docker setup ready, let's connect.
Here is an example of using the RedisCLI
tool to set, get and delete a value from the Redis
% docker exec -it redis redis-cli> set key value
OK> get key
"value"> del key
(integer) 1>
Some other useful commands
*: for finding all the keys
: delete all keys from all databases.FLUSHDB
: delete all keys from the currently selected DB.
key 120: key will be deleted in 120
Caching APIs (Go) using Redis
There are multiple clients available in Go for implementing Redis. However, in this article, we will be using Go-redis
- Go-Redis is a type-safe, Redis client library for Go.
- It is a Redis client able to support a Redis cluster and is designed to store and update slot info automatically with a cluster change.
- It supports features like
, and pipelining
Create APIs using Gorilla Mux
- We will be using Gorilla Mux to create the APIs locally
- It implements a request router and dispatcher to match the incoming requests.
Install it using
go get -u github.com/gorilla/mux
- We will register the following endpoints:
GET /users/:id
— to get a user’s information based on the id. Sample response
GET /users — returns the users present in the database. Sample response
- Next, we create the router instance using the
and assign the above-created routes to the respective handlers - Each of the corresponding handlers is passed ResponseWriter and Request as parameters, which help in returning the desired response to the client.
- We then specify the server details using
for running the HTTP server
srv := &http.Server{
Handler: router,
Addr: ":8081",
WriteTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
ReadTimeout: 15 * time.Second,
: This is the object that responds to the incoming HTTP requests (which we created above)
: This specifies the TCP address for the server to listen on, which by default is 80
: Maximum duration before timing out the writes of the response
: Maximum duration for reading the entire incoming request
- Finally, we run the server using
which listens on the network address specified in theAddr
and serves the requests based on theHandler
Setting up Postgres
We will be using Postgres for our database. Install it using docker with the following
docker run \
-d \
-e POSTGRES_DB=dbname \
-p 5432:5432 \
- Verify if the new container is created and running at
docker ps -a
For managing the database from the browser, install pgAdmin and connect to it using the above credentials, if all is good, you should see

We will create a table called users
which will have the following schema

Let’s insert some dummy data using
INSERT INTO public.users(
id, created_time, name, updated_time, age)
VALUES (uuid_generate_v4(), NOW(), 'alice', NOW(), 29);
For connecting to Postgres using Go
we will install this Here is the snippet
host := ""
port := "5432"
user := "user"
password := "password"
dbname := "dbname"
psqlInfo := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%s user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=disable", host, port, user, password, dbname)
result, err := sql.Open("postgres", psqlInfo)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error in connection : %s", err)
Here is the struct for the users
type Users struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Age int `json:"age"`
CreatedTime string `json:"created_time"`
UpdatedTime string `json:"updated_time"`
Source string `json:"source"`
API and get users by id API are created, we will use the Gorilla Mux to create a localhost
server and listen to the endpoints
Caching APIs

For connecting to the Redis
we create a Redis Client using NewClient
We specify the address at which the Redis exists
client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{
Addr: "",
DB: 0,
DialTimeout: 100 * time.Millisecond,
ReadTimeout: 100 * time.Millisecond,
- The configuration options are available through the
: String of host and the port address, since we are hosting Redis locally, the value is
and by default, Redis runs on the port 6379
: The database which will the selected after connecting to the server. By choosing 0
we mean to use the default database.
: In case our connection to the Redis server gets broken, we specify the timeout for establishing the new connection
: This allows putting a timeout for the socket reads. In case any of the Redis server requests reach this timeout, the command calling it will fail instead of blocking the server.
- To check if we connected to the server, we call
using the client we created above. If there is no error, that implies we are connected to the Redis server. - Finally, we return the Redis client which internally may have zero or more connections.
if _, err := client.Ping().Result(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &Client{
client: client,
}, nil
Get and Set Keys
- The use case we would be following is whenever the front end asks for the details of a particular user, we would fetch it from the API and then cache it.
- Subsequent requests for the particular user would be served from the cache until the cache key expires (which we set to
20 seconds
) - We will be making use of
to set the value in the cache
func (c *Client) SetUser(key string, user structs.Users) {
json, err := json.Marshal(user)
if err != nil {
c.client.Set(key, json, 20*time.Second)
Note: Here we are taking the
struct as input. We are then converting the Go struct into JSON (aka marshaling) since JSON is a language-independent data format.
- We are setting the key pair with an optional expiration parameter of
20 seconds
This means the key will automatically expire in the given duration. - In case there is no expiration parameter, it means
Zero expiration
meaning the key has no expiration time.
Get keys
- We will be making use of
for retrieving the value of the key
func (c *Client) GetUser(key string) (user *structs.Users) {
val, err := c.client.Get(key).Result()
resp := structs.Users{}
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(val), &resp)
return &resp
- The response is in the form of a string and then we convert the byte data into the original
struct (aka unmarshalling) - Inside this function, we additionally add a Redis publisher (which we will see in the next section).
Calling APIs
We have this API endpoint hosted locally GET /users/:id
— to get a user’s information based on the id.
- Once the client calls this endpoint, we first check in case the value for this request can be served from the cache.
Note: In case the data exists inside the cache, we set the
source: "cache"
- Logically, the first request will always hit the server, hence the time taken for getting the response will be more.
Note: For getting the value from the server, we set the
source: "API"
router.HandleFunc("/users/{id}", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
id := mux.Vars(r)["id"]
val := redis.GetUser(id)
if val != nil {
val.Source = "cache"
renderJSON(w, &val, http.StatusOK)
user, err := GetUserByID(id)
if err != nil {
renderJSON(w, &user, http.StatusOK)
redis.SetUser(id, user)
user.Source = "API"
renderJSON(w, &user, http.StatusOK)
- As we can see in the above snippet, we first invoke
to check the cache. - This function checks for the id inside the cache, if the id is present, it returns the value.
- If the result fails, the function returns null and we proceed to invoke the API
which hits our Postgres database
s how it looks when the key is not present in Redis

- The result from the API is then cached in Redis, so the subsequent requests are now served by the cache (until
20 seconds
which is the key expiration duration)
This is how it looks when the key is present in Redis

Redis Subscription using Pub/Sub
- In the field of software engineering, publish-subscribe is a pattern where senders (publishers) categorize the messages into channels without knowing if there may be any subscribers.
- On the other hand, subscribers show interest in one or more channels and only receive messages that are of interest, without knowing if there may be any publishers.
- This decoupling of publishers and subscribers enhances greater scalability.
Redis Pub/Sub
- We will be using Redis for pub/sub, however, there are various other alternatives like Apache Kafka, Google cloud Pub/Sub, etc
- In order to subscribe to channels, for instance,
the client usesSUBSCRIBE
providing the names of the channels:
Messages sent by other clients to these channels will be pushed by Redis to all the subscribed clients.
- Once we have a Redis client subscribing to a channel, that client can no longer execute any other operations except unsubscribing from the current channel or subscribing to more channels.
Go-Redis Publisher
allows to publish messages and subscribe to channels. It also automatically re-connects to Redis Server when there is a network error.
- Inside our get user function, we will create a publisher, using
. This function takes two arguments, the name of the channel to which we want to send the message and the message. - In our case, we set the channel name to
and the payload is the response fromredis.GetUser
(see above) - We are sending the marshaled payload to the channel using
This is because it allows transferring the data as[]byte
- Since we are using a User struct, it can be encoded into a
// Sample payload we are sending using pub/sub
// Publish using Redis PubSub
payload, err := json.Marshal(resp)
if err := c.client.Publish("send-user-name", payload).Err(); err != nil {
Go-Redis Subscriber
- We create a subscriber using the
function. - We will have one argument, the channel we want to subscribe to, which in our case is
. - Subscribe subscribes to the client to the specified channels. Since this method does not wait on a response from Redis, so the subscription may not be active immediately.
- We create a new file that connects to the same Redis instance and calls the following
topic := redisClient.Subscribe("send-user-name")
channel := topic.Channel()
for msg := range channel {
u := &User{}
// Unmarshal the data into the user
err := u.UnmarshalBinary([]byte(msg.Payload))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("User: %v having age: %v and id: %v\n", u.Name, u.Age, u.ID)
log.Println("Received message from " + msg.Channel + " channel.")
- The result of the
is aPubSub
and we extract the channel property out of this object - This Channel returns a Go channel for concurrently receiving messages. If the channel is full for 30 seconds the message is dropped.
- We loop over the channel and extract the data from it, which is of the type
Each message object comprises of
: This is the channel name
: The marshaled data received in the channel
: Pattern for the message
- The data received inside the message can be fetched using
Since its marshaled, we will unmarshal it using theUnmarshalBinary
and transform back intoUser
struct. - Finally, we can access the struct properties and print inside the console. We also print the message’s channel name, just for fun!!

Here, we get the message channel name send-user-name
and the user details for Bob
Calling API using React
In the above section, we created and hosted the APIs locally using Gorilla Mux. We will now consume these APIs from the front end using React
We will be using Axios for calling the APIs. Let’s install this dependency.
npm install axios
- Axios is a lightweight HTTP client which makes calling requests very intuitive. It is similar to the JavaScript
Fetch API
- It works well with JSON data and does the heavy lifting of setting the request headers.
- It has better error handling for accessing the response and integrates well with async-await syntax.
- It can be used on the server as well as the client.
Integrate into React
We will be using the hooks useEffect
and useState
A hook
is a special function that lets you “hook into” React features.
- Using this Hook, we instruct React that our components need to do something after rendering. By default,
runs after each render of the component where it’s called. - A common use of this hook is to fetch data and display it.
- React remembers the function you passed, and invokes it later after the DOM updates.
Note: We have an empty array at the end of the useEffect Hook for making sure the internal function inside renders only once.
- If we want our effects to run less often, we provide the second argument (which is an array of values). These can be considered as the dependencies for the effect and if any changes (since the last time), the effect runs again.
- It is a way of adding a state to the components and
some values between the function call. - In general, variables “disappear” when the function exits but state variables are preserved by React.
- This state can be an array, object, number, boolean, etc.
- The argument passed to the
is the initial state.
const [fetchedData, setFetchedData] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const getData = async () => {
const data = await axios.get(
}, []);
- To make a
request using Axios we use the.get()
method. The response is returned as an object. - We use the
property from the response to get the requested data and set it inside the hook using thesetFetchedData
Request responses:
When the page loads for the first time, the API hits our backend. The result fetchedData
is then displayed on the page.
Notice, source: API

And on the next request, the API hits our cache, displayed with source:cache

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