I developed an offline-first personal Kanban app called Brisqi and launched it for 5 different platforms. I started this project with 2 purposes - ...
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You built such a nice app. Again the offline thing is what like most about it. Most productivity apps today require an internet connection and where it is not much affordable, it becomes an issue. Keep doing the great work.
Thank you Josias, I'm glad you liked the app.
Great points! I particularly think "Use third-party utility libraries sparingly" is highly under-rated and people turn to packages for functionality they could do in a trivial amount of time, and with functionality better suited to their specific use/edge-cases
Thanks and I agree.
Did you used NextJs as your backend as you only mentioned it for the product website? tq
I used NextJS for the website. For the backend, I use Firebase and Google cloud functions.
oh? will be better if you could explain in the article how you manage your backend o, seems interesting to hear that.
That would be out of scope for this article as this was mostly about React framework. I'll do another blog post soon on offline-first apps design which will give some insights on how I designed mine.
That will be great, thanks for that. Hope to see it soon.
How did you manage the repositories? Are there common parts in the ReactJS, React Native and NextJS repos? Or just separate repos?
They all are in separate repos. Architecture for both React and React Native code is similar but the code is different. Also, React Native has some quirks which I have to careful with, so managing each repo separately was the way to go for me.
NextJS is completely different as I used it for the website only, so its in separate repo.
Thanks for the answer! Are you aware if there could be a way to share some parts of the repos to avoid duplicating code? I imagine that some parts of the code (utilities and helpers, fetch from API...) must be similar on all the repos.
I'm sure there could be code which I could refactor and share between both projects. However, I wanted to get the app out there in the hands of users as soon as possible. The architecture at the moment is similar so its manageable and since I have to be careful on the React Native side, it works for me this way.
Thanks for the answer!
What I liked most is this part -> " I started this project with 2 purposes - to learn React..." 😊👍
Pretty good advice, thanks for the experience sharing :)
Great post! Very informative and I look forward to future posts.
Thanks. I'll doing another one on offline-first apps design soon.
Thanks! :)
Wow! Great concept 👏👏👏👏👏
Wow... That app is well designed.
Good article seems like a really good learning experience.
Your desktop app is incredible smooth. Great work!
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the app.
Awesome app. But there is no authentication sign up form for the Android app (only sign in form ). Please try to fix it .
Thanks. I'm glad you liked the app. Android and iOS app can't have sign up forms in the app according to their store policies. You have to sign up from the website.
Okay. Thanks for sharing .
This is so nice. The offline capability makes it a winner. Great job.
Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.
Great write-up. Thanks!
Nice work!
Could you expand a bit on the role of Electron? Why did you use it and how?
Also, does the app also work as PWA, if not, did you consider PWA at any point?
Is all the app in a monorepo??
Different repo for each.
The app looks amazing! Does it support any text formatting in the cards?
Thank you! Yes it supports markdown for description of cards.
Thanks for sharing 😄😄😄😄
After a first glance, I wonder is the end2end encryption slowing down the syncing with the cloud backend? And how do you solve this problem, maybe only syncing at midnight?