Hey all,
Just want to show off my project Go Micro. A microservice framework. It makes building microservices in Go really easy. I'd be interested in feedback and thoughts. I've been working on it for 4 years now!
Go Micro
Go Micro is a standard library for distributed systems development.
Go Micro provides the core requirements for distributed systems development including RPC and Event driven communication The Micro philosophy is sane defaults with a pluggable architecture. We provide defaults to get you started quickly but everything can be easily swapped out.
Go Micro abstracts away the details of distributed systems. Here are the main features.
Authentication - Auth is built in as a first class citizen. Authentication and authorization enable secure zero trust networking by providing every service an identity and certificates. This additionally includes rule based access control.
Dynamic Config - Load and hot reload dynamic config from anywhere. The config interface provides a way to load application level config from any source such as env vars, file, etcd. You can merge the sources and even define fallbacks.
Data Storage - A simple data store…
Top comments (7)
i run the example code the server is ok but i didn't find the service in the services list of micro :(
Hi. If you're running locally then we expect there to be mDNS present on the machine to do multicast DNS for service discovery. If you're using this in an environment where thats not present then it's better to run consul or something else. You can specify consul with --registry=consul to any command.
i running it locally vScode ,can you help me more pleaseeeeee
can you help me more please
Please Sir help me....i registered t in the consul and i find it in the consul dashboard but not for micro dashboard!!!!!!
Hello, Asim. I wanted to ask, does go-micro have code generator ?
Yes see github.com/micro/protoc-gen-micro