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Asmit Malakannawar
Asmit Malakannawar

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Google Summer of Code 2022 - Final Report | Faces of GNOME

The three-month journey has been nothing short of remarkable as Google Summer of Code'22 comes to an end. This was the most memorable journey for me where I got to learn a lot of new stuff, collaborated with my mentors, added new features and experienced team management for the very first time. I'm thrilled to announce that nearly all of the development milestones for the Faces of GNOME are finished, and the complete source code is available at GitLab. This blog summarizes the same.


Project Summary

The ultimate goal of this project is to expand the GNOME community and make it more inclusive for everyone who wants to be a part of it, as well as to make this a successful endeavor. I hope that by completing this project, we will be able to promote transparency in our community, empower our contributors, and assist the larger community in recognizing the contributions of all contributors. The project includes simplifying the process for members to add themselves and blog posts, UI/UX improvements, populating the FAQ page, creating wiki pages, replacing old jQuery with modern ES6 JavaScript alongside deploying it to make it visible for public view.

Faces of GNOME is a website that highlights past and current GNOME contributors and was created using the Ruby-based site generator Jekyll & JavaScript. Contributors can provide their own unique metadata in the YAML files used for data serialization.

Example for my profile can be found here.

Coding Period

This is more of a learning and implementing period, in my opinion. The various problem-solving approaches I've learned during this GSoC period have been invaluable. My mentors were extremely helpful, and I will be forever thankful to them for providing such excellent guidance.

These are the list of all Merge Requests which got merged in the Faces of GNOME project:

  • fix: rename people of gnome to faces of gnome !94

  • feat: update packages !95

  • fix: update links from people to faces !98

  • fix: dockerignore file !99

  • feat: member addition form !100

  • update: update data in yml files to 2022 !102

  • docs: update readme regarding form action !104

  • fix: update placeholders and add examples !107

  • feat: populate faq section !108

  • fix: remove junk code !109

  • feat: add relevant images !110

Some snapshots of the project!




Future Plans

Though the GSoC period is coming to an end, but the project development is still not finished. There are lot of minor updates that we have to do such as updating vector graphics, releasing the project on a stable URL, adding analytics, using pre-existing data resources and so on. I would love to continue the development of the platform and keep contributing to GNOME!

Special Thanks

It was a pleasure to collaborate with the GNOME Foundation and the Engagement Team on GSoC'22. Special thanks to my mentors Claudio Wunder and Caroline Henriksen for their guidance throughout the process. Mentors like them assist students in developing both personally and professionally. I'm looking forward to staying active in the GNOME community and guiding new contributors as they get engaged in.

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