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Asrul Hanafi
Asrul Hanafi

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A Tool That Helps Make You Confident in Your Job Search

I’m Asrul, the creator of Resmume. A few years ago, while listening to my wife, Gita (not her real name), talk about her experiences screening candidates, I realized something. She often reviewed stacks of resumes and mentioned that many skilled people had resumes that didn’t truly showcase their abilities. She observed that a lot of job seekers were missing opportunities because their resumes didn’t highlight their true skills.

One candidate, Yola, particularly stood out to Gita. Yola was talented, driven, and had all the right qualifications. However, Yola’s resume used a non-standard template and had a few unprofessional tones. The first tool Yola used was the most popular resume builder, offering many design options but lacking standard templates optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). Additionally, it did not provide features to help improve writing and ensure it met industry standards. Gita saw potential in Yola but knew that many other hiring managers might overlook her because of these issues.

That’s when the idea struck me. What if there was a tool that could help people like Yola create resumes that not only looked professional but also boosted their confidence in their job search? A tool that provided standard templates, an AI writing assistant to improve grammar and professional tone, and relevant content for each specific job role.

I started sketching out ideas, delving into the world of AI, and researching professional and ATS-friendly templates. I aimed to create something that was simple, effective, and genuinely helpful. Having used several resume builders myself, I found them lacking. Most required a subscription even for occasional use, which felt unfair. I wanted to build something accessible and practical. After months of work and countless iterations, Resmume was launched.

My goal with Resmume is to make it incredibly easy for anyone to create a resume they can be proud of. Here’s how I did it:

  1. Standard Templates/ATS: I provided a range of professional templates designed to be ATS (Applicant Tracking System) friendly, ensuring that resumes wouldn’t be filtered out before reaching human eyes.

  2. AI Writing Assistant: Using AI, specifically GPT-4, I optimized prompts to fix grammar, enhance the tone to be more professional, and suggest powerful wording to make each bullet point measurable, focusing on achievements rather than day-to-day tasks.

  3. Multiple Profiles: Based on user feedback, especially from one of my early users named Ridho, I enabled users to create multiple resume versions tailored for different roles. Ridho suggested this feature to help people apply for various positions without starting from scratch each time.

  4. AI Review for Relevancy: Leveraging AI, specifically GPT-4, I optimized prompts to analyze the role and the entire resume for relevancy, ensuring each resume is customized to match specific job requirements and highlights the most relevant experiences and skills.

After a few months, Resmume received many positive reviews from users. Many of them successfully landed their dream jobs after using Resmume. One such user was Nico (not his real name). Nico faced similar issues to Yola's; he used a popular design tool that offered many non-standard template options and lacked optimization for ATS and a writing assistant to improve his resume. After using Resmume, Nico secured the job he desired.

So, if you’re staring at your resume, wondering if it’s good enough, remember you’ve got the skills and the drive. Let Resmume, the online resume maker, help you present your qualifications in the best possible way. Together, we can make your dream job a reality.

Thanks for reading, and here’s to your success!

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