In this new world of technology, there are various apps coming time to time to ease the life and work of peoples. As a student, you must have to use some apps that helps in your study, learning and creating contents.
Here are some apps you should try as student developer

In this tough time of Covid-19, the study is fully online, and online messaging apps are being used by every student and teacher to share notes, assignments, and academics-related information. Use any one app that is used by your friends, family member and university mates so you don’t bother much.
These Apps Are:

One of the most important things you should do as a student developer is networking. You've probably heard of networking and know that it includes meeting the proper people who can assist you with your job goals now or in the future.
According to a recent study, networking is responsible for 85 percent of all job searches. So you have to build strong networking to get connected for opportunities.
In this new online world you all need a good networking app.
These Apps Are:
Community Presence

Community Presence is very important for students during college. You can learn new things, participate in various activities and get to know many other students of your college. If you are a student developer, you must be contributing to some open-source organization or taking part in projects building. There are some apps where students and developers communities are active, you can join them to take community insights and discussing projects.
These Apps Are:
Time Management

Managing time as a student is a very important thing. Students who manage their time properly could achieve greater productivity in the study. proper planning for 24hours can make life easier for you. using alarm is the old way to manage time, now some apps help to manage your time and proper planing.
These Apps Are:
Learn and Share

As a student developer, you have to acquire the habit of sharing your learnings with others. You can also read the posts from good developers to gain knowledge. Student developers often need to showcase their codes, projects to the world. Sharing and taking help from others is a good habit, this will help you to the overall growth of yourself. Some apps you should use to sharing content, source codes, and gaining knowledge.
These Apps Are:
- GitHub
- DEV Community
Content Creation

As a student, if you are interested in creating content to share your knowledge and views with the world you are good to go. there are lots of apps that can help you like to create blogs and if you are a video creator on Instagram or YouTube you can also reach out to your audience for monetary support for your work by using apps.
These Apps Are:

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