TinderLike Cards ♀️♂️
Stylish animations and designs like Tinder
Why this project exists
This project arose from the idea of turning a small part of freelance project I did a long time ago into a library. With TinderLike Cards library, you can easily have a tinder-style design. Since the project was written in the past, it may have problems. I will continue to improve the library with your help. Please be sure to report any issues you find. I took the structure of listview as an example for myself. You can easily include it in your project with the use of a simple adapter.
- [x] Kotlin
- [x] Stylish Animations
- [x] Customization
- [x] CrashSafe
- [x] Easy Implementation
- [x] Application Variants

Let's Start 🚀
Define CardContainer in you main.xml
Make sure that container's layout_width and layout_height both are match_parent. I will explain it below. 🍭
android:layout_height="match_parent" />
Setting CardContainerAdapter with your custom model
class MainAdapter(private val list: ArrayList<MainTestModel>, context: Context) :
CardContainerAdapter() {
var layoutInflater: LayoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context)
override fun getItem(position: Int) = list[position]
override fun getView(position: Int): View {
val v = layoutInflater.inflate(R.layout.card_view, null)
val userImageView = v.findViewById<ImageView>(R.id.userImage)
val genderImageView = v.findViewById<ImageView>(R.id.genderImage)
val userName = v.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.userName)
val ageAndLastSeen = v.findViewById<TextView>(R.id.ageAndLastSeen)
val user = getItem(position)
userName.text = user.userName
ageAndLastSeen.text = user.userAgeLastSeen
return v
override fun getCount(): Int = list.size
Setting Adapter
lateinit var cardContainer: CardContainer
lateinit var adapter: MainAdapter
private var modelList = arrayListOf<MainTestModel>()
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
cardContainer = findViewById(R.id.cardContainer)
/*Setting Adapter*/
adapter = MainAdapter(modelList, this)
Almost the same as listview, right? Let's continue with customization.
Before setting the adapter, you can set margin values and the number of visible stacks. The number of cards on the screen will be renewed according to the maxStackSize.
cardContainer.maxStackSize = 3
cardContainer.marginTop = 13.px
cardContainer.margin = 20.px
So why should I define these layouts as extra ❓😿 Because in card dragging operations, parent view cordinates are taken as basis. It is necessary to do this so that the dragged card does not conflict with the parent view.
/*Adding Extra Layouts*/
How to listen cardEvents? Here is CardListener and it's usage 🎉
fun onLeftSwipe(position: Int, model: Any)
fun onRightSwipe(position: Int, model: Any)
fun onItemShow(position: Int, model: Any)
fun onSwipeCancel(position: Int, model: Any)
fun onSwipeCompleted()
You can cast and use models according to the type you define. Ex (model as MainTestModel)
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), CardListener {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
/*Set Card Listeners*/
override fun onLeftSwipe(position: Int, model: Any) {/*card model shifted left*/}
override fun onRightSwipe(position: Int, model: Any) {/*Card model shifted right*/}
override fun onItemShow(position: Int, model: Any) {/*Current card model on screen*/}
override fun onSwipeCancel(position: Int, model: Any) {/*If user canceled dragging*/}
override fun onSwipeCompleted() {/*No more cards left*/}
What if I have pagination system for models or need to add more cards later ❓😿 Here is the solution 🎉
⚠️ This function just for appending new datas. Do not use it for change orders or data values. ⚠️
Can I throw cards left or right programmatically ❓🤔 Hmmm, YES YOU CAN ❗
You can call swipeLeft() or swipeRight() methods for it.
private fun setListeners(){
cancelView.setOnClickListener {
it.pulse() // for sweet animation
likeView.setOnClickListener {
it.pulse() // for sweet animation
Implementation Gradle
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.AsynctaskCoffee:tinderlikecardstack:1.0'
Implementation Maven
Add the JitPack repository to your build file
Add the dependency
Top comments (4)
Thanks 👍
thank you :)