DEV Community

Athul Muralidhar
Athul Muralidhar

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To the centre of the galaxy, and beyond...

I started to make a landing page on one of my outta the world ideas lately. It was so out of the world that I felt that I needed to put it out there in some form or the other. So here is my article on what the project represents, where I want to go with it and eventually be the next iteration of human innovation.

Sagittarus A*

Well this is the name of the Super massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy and it is essentially the end game destination for the project. Imagine if we could send a spacecraft / satellite to this supremely amazing phenomenon. We could for sure learn something or the other about the universe and the nature of reality.

The project is subdivided into various stages which will essentially build towards our end goal. They are:

  • SpaceCraft
  • SatCraft
  • SpaceMarket
  • Trading guilds
  • SpaceYards


Imagine Minecraft in space, this is essentially SpaceCraft. Being the low threshold first step, we want to use VR to bring human minds to space. Developing a VR game in which people can easily mine objects in the solar system. With this we aim to build a computational equivalent for our solar system.


This is the next step after SpaceCraft and the "hardware" part of the project. After having a computational replica of the solar system within our pockets, we can launch nanosats into our space neighbourhood. We then link the real world sats to our computational solar world and the users can interact in real time with those nanosats. They can mine, explore and actually affect our space, all without taking a journey to space itself.

SpaceMarket, Trading Guilds and SpaceYards

The space market can be the place where miners can trade their goods for money. They can mine some iron from Mars and trade it virtually in the SpaceMarket. They can then be delivered to the buyer, here on Earth.

Sending 3D printers to space, we can in theory create spaceships and other manufacturing tools to space and have shops to sell new models of satellites to miners and maybe also prepare for the eventual exploration of our solar system

Once the SpaceYards program is in place, we can have Trading guilds operate trade routs and markets.

With these three, we would have established an economy in space as well as brought the human mind to space.

check out the project here

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