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Rahul kumar
Rahul kumar

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Some useful array operations in MongoDB

Data Schema

{ "_id" : ObjectId("60966503a06708c0a9d05b51"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "tags" : [ "blank", "red" ], "dim_cm" : [ 14, 21 ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("60966503a06708c0a9d05b52"), "item" : "notebook", "qty" : 50, "tags" : [ "red", "blank" ], "dim_cm" : [ 14, 21 ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("60966503a06708c0a9d05b53"), "item" : "paper", "qty" : 100, "tags" : [ "red", "blank", "plain" ], "dim_cm" : [ 14, 21 ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("60966503a06708c0a9d05b54"), "item" : "planner", "qty" : 75, "tags" : [ "blank", "red" ], "dim_cm" : [ 22.85, 30 ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("60966503a06708c0a9d05b55"), "item" : "postcard", "qty" : 45, "tags" : [ "blue" ], "dim_cm" : [ 10, 15.25 ] }
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1 - Fine by order

Suppose you would like to find the item which contains blank and red in the specified order, then you can write the queries like below.


// output
{ "_id" : ObjectId("60966503a06708c0a9d05b51"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "tags" : [ "blank", "red" ], "dim_cm" : [ 14, 21 ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("60966503a06708c0a9d05b54"), "item" : "planner", "qty" : 75, "tags" : [ "blank", "red" ], "dim_cm" : [ 22.85, 30 ] }
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Note: Order of the query matters
If you have specified [red,blank] then you'll get only [red,blank] not [blank,red]

2 - Find without order

If you don't want the exact order then you can use $all operator of MongoDB.


// output
{ "_id" : ObjectId("60966503a06708c0a9d05b51"), "item" : "journal", "qty" : 25, "tags" : [ "blank", "red" ], "dim_cm" : [ 14, 21 ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("60966503a06708c0a9d05b52"), "item" : "notebook", "qty" : 50, "tags" : [ "red", "blank" ], "dim_cm" : [ 14, 21 ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("60966503a06708c0a9d05b53"), "item" : "paper", "qty" : 100, "tags" : [ "red", "blank", "plain" ], "dim_cm" : [ 14, 21 ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("60966503a06708c0a9d05b54"), "item" : "planner", "qty" : 75, "tags" : [ "blank", "red" ], "dim_cm" : [ 22.85, 30 ] }
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3 - Check for single element

You can directly provide string in the query parameter.

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Find all items which contain red as an element, anywhere in the array.

3 - Check for single (Conditionally)

You can provide operators for the conditionality check

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The above query will find all items, which has any element inside dim_cm array which is less than 50 and greater than 21.


You can explore more here


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