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Cover image for aws-cli v2: how much smaller can it get? Answer: a lot smaller :)
Tuan Anh Tran for AWS Community Builders

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aws-cli v2: how much smaller can it get? Answer: a lot smaller :)

Pulling the official aws-cli image, I got a huge 374MB image.

docker images | grep amazon
amazon/aws-cli                                              latest            abb3d3272080   3 days ago      374MB
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It's rather big for a CLI and so I thought: "Maybe I can make it smaller".

Entering Wolfi

Wolfi is a project sponsored by Chainguard. Wolfi is described as:

Wolfi is a stripped-down distro designed for the cloud-native era.

Well, you can think of it like Google's distroless.

The reason I want to select Wolfi is because of a bunch of reasons:

  • Better SBOM support. Well, not all the SBOMs are created equally and what's better than building everything from sources and create SBOM from there.
  • Multi-arch (amd64, arm64 are must but maybe armv7 as well?)
  • Smaller image size.
  • Signed and verifiable :)
  • Secure. Let's aim for that sweet 0 CVE.

aws-cli v2

aws-cli v2 is powered by a bunch of C project like aws-c-http, aws-c-auth, etc... and so I need to package those first.

What I don't quite understand is AWS's decision to still use Python as frontend for the CLI. And packaging Python packages is like going down the rabbit hole.

I'm going to use melange for packaging. I write melange package's manifest in YAML and melange spits out APK file for me.

Here's what a package build file looks like with melange

  name: aws-c-http
  version: 0.7.5
  epoch: 0
  description: AWS C99 implementation of the HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2 specifications
    - license: Apache-2.0
      - '@local ./packages'
      - aws-c-cal-dev@local
      - aws-c-common-dev@local
      - aws-c-compression-dev@local
      - aws-c-io-dev@local
      - build-base
      - busybox
      - ca-certificates-bundle
      - cmake
      - s2n-tls-dev@local
      - samurai
  - uses: fetch
      expected-sha512: 90bfd0abfce8727bd4ef6e9a016e6183c2c4349c2d6e4cc02b932f5109ceb3476d79b853e74ca4888b768f44eba9ae953ca5e9b900704a2a3370a200c0168c02
  - runs: |
      if [ "$CBUILD" != "$CHOST" ]; then
      CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -flto=auto" \
      CXXFLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -flto=auto" \
      cmake -B build -G Ninja \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR=/usr/lib \
        -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=True \
        -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=None \
        -DBUILD_TESTING="$(want_check && echo ON || echo OFF)" \
      cmake --build build
  - runs: |
      DESTDIR="${{targets.destdir}}" cmake --install build
  - uses: strip
  - name: aws-c-http-dev
      - uses: split/dev
      - runs: |
          mkdir -p "${{targets.subpkgdir}}"/usr/lib
          mv "${{targets.destdir}}"/usr/lib/aws-c-http "${{targets.subpkgdir}}"/usr/lib/
        - aws-c-http
    description: aws-c-http dev

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I also need to package a bunch of Python libs like py3-certifi, py3-distro, etc... because they are not available on Wolfi yet.

Once those are done, I just need to build aws-cli package, put those APK files in a final image with Chainguard's apko.

Preliminary result

The early result looks very promising. The final image is much smaller. 50% smaller to be precised. And I mean without any optimizations at all. I haven't even split the docs into their own packages yet.

Let's look at it.

new aws-cli image size

186MB vs the original 374MB. A whooping 188MB stripped off from the official aws-cli image. That's 50% size reduction.

Are you sure it's even working :D


I haven't quite done with it yet but you can try it by pulling

For now, it's still very much work-in-progress so expect things may break here and there :)

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