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AWS Re:Invent 2021 #Reaction Final Part

AWS re: Invent 2021 has come to an end. It has been a week of total ecstasy. A week has passed since I published this post at the pre-inaugural midnight madness moment:

Now, let me tell you a summary of the brightest and most outstanding moments that happened for me during Werner's keynote.

Keynote with Dr. Werner Vogels
Besides having had one of the best intros I have ever seen, listening to Werner's keynote was like going back in time, the beginnings of many services such as EC2 among others were remembered, since 2006. If you see the intro in detail, We will see references to the past like that "box" and we see that Werner remembers when he announced Lambda for the first time. Why so much nod to the past?

After the nod to the past about EC2 instances, boom! nod to the future with EC2 M1 Mac Instances, what will come next? kind of InstancesVerse? we won't know yet.

EC2 M1 Mac Instances

Other of the best announcements of this keynote is the launch of 30 new AWS Local Zones, including 2 AWS Local Zones in LATAM. This after highlighting how AWS has been working to offer a better user experience with very low latencies thanks to the large number of regions, and not to mention the more than 216 Edge Locations that it now has.

AWS Local Zones

Our much-loved Amplify Studio comes with a huge upgrade. Now it allows us to create applications in a matter of hour, with a nice UI.

AWS Amplify Studio

What I liked the most about this new release is its integration with the very powerful design tool Figma. That is, you have the development of your application without the need to throw code, and with a single click, you export all that UI to Figma for prototyping. What more can you ask? Yes, I am a fan of Figma.

Amplify Studio and Figma

Following that line "Dev", because now SDK is compatible with runtime like Swift, Kotlin and Rust.


Sustainability pillar
Pilar de sostenibilidad

Goodbye StackOverFlow, Welcome AWS re:Post
AWS re:Post

You asked for this. Basically, this is your fault.
By Werner Vogels.
AWS Services

If you want to see the complete Keynote, this is the video:

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