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🚀 Vu Dao 🚀 for AWS Community Builders

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Karpenter with AWS Node Termination Handler


  • For using spot instances in karpenter provisioner, we need to know that Karpenter does not handle the Spot Interruption Termination Notice (ITN) two-minute warning. In lieu of this, AWS Node Termination Handler (NTH) is the solution to gracefully cordon and drain the spot nodes when they are interrupted.
  • Pods that require checkpointing or other forms of graceful draining, requiring the 2-mins before shutdown, will need NTH.
  • This post provides step-by-step to install NTH with SQS processor mode, provide AWS IAM permission for handler through IAM role for service account and test it.
  • Note that this post mentions karpenter but not describe any about karpenter. However, the setting of NTH in this post suits to tools like Karpenter without using AutoScaling group (ASG)

Table Of Contents

🚀 Pre-requisite

  • EKS cluster
  • IAM Instance profile which will be assigned to EKS nodes and help them to join the EKS cluster
  • OIDC provider
  • Karpenter provisioner with capicity-type spot

🚀 Create NTH serviceAccount

  • The best practice to provide AWS permission for Kubernetes service is Using IAM Service Account Instead Of Instance Profile For EKS Pods
  • If you already setup OIDC by using IAM identity provider then you can create the IAM role as service account for karpenter manually or using CDK.
  • The role only needs permission to consume SQS messages, EC2 describe actions and autoscaling describe actions nth-sa.ts
  • Then generate service-account yaml base on the output IAM role ARN
  • nth-sa.yaml
  • Create service account by kubectl apply -f nth-sa.yaml and then check the result

    ⚡ $ kubectl get sa -n kube-system
    NAME                                 SECRETS   AGE
    aws-node-termination-handler         1         13m

## 🚀 **Create SQS queue and event EventBridge rules** <a name="Create-SQS-queue-and-event-EventBridge-rules"></a>
- The EventBridge rules send all events from spot instances such as `"EC2 Spot Instance Interruption Warning", "EC2 Instance Rebalance Recommendation", "EC2 Instance State-change Notification"` or `AWS Health Event` to the SQS target queue
- NTH handler listens to the SQS, process messages and then drain and/or cordon the corresponding node
- We can use CDK to create those AWS resources [`nth-sqs-rules.ts`](
- See its diagram which is generated by [cdk-dia](

  <img src="" width=500>

## 🚀 **Install the AWS Node Termination Handler non-ASG** <a name="Install-the-AWS-Node-Termination-Handler-non-ASG"></a>
- Custom helm chart value
  - Disable creating new serviceAccount and specify the `serviceAccount` we created above
  - Provide `queueURL` and `awsRegion`


enableSqsTerminationDraining: true
queueURL: ""
awsRegion: "ap-northeast-2"
create: false
name: aws-node-termination-handler
checkASGTagBeforeDraining: false # <-- set to false as instances do not belong to any ASG
assumeAsgTagPropagation: true # <-- mitigate the need of ASG IAM permission
enableSpotInterruptionDraining: true

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- Install aws-node-termination-handler using helm chart
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⚡ $ helm upgrade --install aws-node-termination-handler eks/aws-node-termination-handler -n kube-system --values yaml/nth-values.yaml
Release "aws-node-termination-handler" does not exist. Installing it now.
NAME: aws-node-termination-handler
LAST DEPLOYED: Sun Apr 10 15:39:43 2022
NAMESPACE: kube-system
STATUS: deployed

  • AWS Node Termination Handler * *********************************************************************** Chart version: 0.18.0 App version: 1.16.0 Image tag: Mode : Queue Processor ***********************************************************************

⚡ $ kubectl get pod -n kube-system -l
aws-node-termination-handler-65b75b4896-74zqg 1/1 Running 0 95s

- Check the log to see if NTH can listen to the SQS queue
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kubectl logs -f --tail=100 -n kube-system aws-node-termination-handler-5889bcd797-h2sth
2022/04/10 15:53:07 INF Starting to serve handler /healthz, port 8080
2022/04/10 15:53:07 INF Started watching for interruption events
2022/04/10 15:53:07 INF Kubernetes AWS Node Termination Handler has started successfully!
2022/04/10 15:53:07 INF Started watching for event cancellations
2022/04/10 15:53:07 INF Started monitoring for events event_type=SQS_TERMINATE

- Note that NTH is deployed on any nodes without taints even on the spot instance, so for best practice, the NTH deployment should be assigned to stateful node.

## 🚀 **Check NTH works well** <a name="Check-NTH-works-well"></a>
- How to know if NTH works well? We can use [EC2 Spot Interruptions - AWS Fault Injection Simulator
]( to send `aws:ec2:send-spot-instance-interruptions` event and go to check if NTH is able to cordon the nodes and karpenter provides new node

  <img src="" width=900>

- NTH logs
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2022/04/11 16:23:33 INF Adding new event to the event store event={"AutoScalingGroupName":"","Description":"Rebalance recommendation event received. Instance i-09165e73a609fbbca will be cordoned at 2022-04-11 16:23:33 +0000 UTC \n","EndTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z","EventID":"rebalance-recommendation-event-33643432376337652d326234632d633063372d313138642d626231323834393963343761","InProgress":false,"InstanceID":"i-09165e73a609fbbca","IsManaged":true,"Kind":"SQS_TERMINATE","NodeLabels":null,"NodeName":"ip-172-10-51-198.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal","NodeProcessed":false,"Pods":null,"StartTime":"2022-04-11T16:23:33Z","State":""}
2022/04/11 16:23:34 INF Requesting instance drain event-id=rebalance-recommendation-event-33643432376337652d326234632d633063372d313138642d626231323834393963343761 instance-id=i-09165e73a609fbbca kind=SQS_TERMINATE node-name=ip-172-10-51-198.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal
2022/04/11 16:23:34 INF Draining the node
2022/04/11 16:23:38 INF Node successfully cordoned and drained node_name=ip-172-10-51-198.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal reason="Spot Interruption event received. Instance i-09165e73a609fbbca will be interrupted at 2022-04-11 16:23:33 +0000 UTC \n"
2022/04/11 16:23:38 INF Node successfully cordoned and drained node_name=ip-172-10-51-198.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal reason="Rebalance recommendation event received. Instance i-09165e73a609fbbca will be cordoned at 2022-04-11 16:23:33 +0000 UTC \n"

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# kf get node -l
ip-172-10-21-134.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal Ready 58s v1.20.15
ip-172-10-51-198.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal Ready,SchedulingDisabled 10h v1.20.15
ip-172-10-51-44.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal Ready 10h v1.20.15
ip-172-10-51-7.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal Ready 10h v1.20.15

  <img src="" width=900>

## 🚀 **Conclusion** <a name="Conclusion"></a>
- Now we have node-termination-handler takes care of spot interruption to ensure our services are gracefully rolling.
- But for services with long process such as data pipeline which are expensive to restart we should consider to use on-demand instances


- [Configure the Node Termination Handler to use queue processor mode](
- [aws-node-termination-handler](


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Top comments (1)

frodolight profile image

Thanks for the read.

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