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Todd Sharp for AWS

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Streaming Amazon IVS Chat Logs to OpenSearch

One of the easiest ways to make a live stream interactive is to add live chat along side of the stream. With Amazon Interactive Video Service it's easy to create a chat room and add moderation (both manual and automated). It's also simple to add chat logging to your chat rooms to archive chat sessions to Amazon CloudWatch, an Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose, or Amazon S3.

Depending on your logging configuration, there are different approaches to retrieving logged chat sessions (for example, using the CloudWatch SDK as we saw in my last post). But sometimes our application needs to do more than just retrieve a chat session for a given time period. Sometimes we need the ability to search for a specific message, or group of messages based on a specific keyword, or see a list of messages posted by a certain user.

For this, we can integrate our CloudWatch log group with Amazon OpenSearch Service to provide fine-grained search for chat messages and events based on any property that we might need.


This post will assume that you have already set up chat logging for your Amazon IVS chat room, and that you already have an existing OpenSearch Service domain. If not, check out the following links to get everything setup.

Sending CloudWatch Logs to OpenSearch Service

Integrating a CloudWatch log groups with OpenSearch Service is natively supported, so there's no need for manual steps in this process. We'll cover the whole process below, but if you get stuck at any point, refer to the documentation.

Add Subscription Filter

Navigate to the CloudWatch log group that you created and associated with your Amazon IVS chat logging configuration and view the log group details. Click on the Actions menu from this page.

CloudWatch log group details

Select the Subscription filters menu item, and in the submenu select Create Amazon OpenSearch Service subscription filter.

Actions menu

On the next page, find and select the OpenSearch Service cluster where you would like to send the log data.

OpenSearch Service cluster name

Under Configure log format and filters, select JSON. If you want to only index a subset of your chat logs, you can enter a filter. If you would like all logged chat events, leave the filter blank. Either way, you must enter a Subscription filter name.

Configure log format and filters

If you do choose to enter a filter, it must follow the syntax outlined in the documentation. For example, to filter the indexing of messages only sent by a particular user, the following filter can be applied and tested.

{ $.payload.Attributes.username = "Admin" }
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Filtering events

When you're satisfied with the configuration, click Start streaming. The subscription filter will create an AWS Lambda function behind the scenes that will handle indexing each new log entry/chat message in the OpenSearch Service console. We'll have to create an IAM role to enable that function to access the OpenSearch Service console, so in the Subscription filters list of your CloudWatch log group, grab the Destination ARN of the newly created function.

Subscription filters

Creating an IAM Role

Head over to the IAM console, and select Roles, Create role. Select AWS Service as the Trusted entity type, and Lambda under Use case.

IAM Service and use case

Add the AmazonOpenSearchServiceFullAccess policy to the IAM role.


Give the role a name, then click Create role.

Role name

If your OpenSearch Service domain uses fine-grained access control, we'll need to do one more step to make sure that our chat logs can stream to the search cluster. In your OpenSearch dashboard, select Security.

OpenSearch dashboard

Next, select Roles, then choose the all_access role.

OpenSearch roles

Choose the Mapped users tab, then click Manage mapping.

Mapped users

In the Backend roles section, add the ARN of the AWS Lambda execution role that we created above and click Map.


Querying OpenSearch For Chat Messages

At this point, all new chat messages that are logged to CloudWatch will be streamed directly to the OpenSearch Service cluster. There will be a unique index created for each day's worth of CloudWatch logs, and the index name will follow the format cwl-YYYY-MM-DD.

To get a list of all indices in your cluster, issue the following query:

GET /_cat/indices
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This will return a list of the indices, one of which should be named with the prefix cwl (for CloudWatch log). This index will contain your chat messages.

yellow open cwl-2023.03.06       -Je9wXJLSWWxLy3Jj6vSkA 5 1  9 0 104.6kb 104.6kb
yellow open cwl-2023.03.03       wabX_QhPTfmMuI53Xv61rg 5 1  9 0 115.5kb 115.5kb
green  open .opendistro_security SXnVYG-MQLanddjHyJUJXQ 1 0 10 3    65kb    65kb
green  open .kibana_1            TW-4N5cQRQObaXMKA3hBYA 1 0  1 0   5.1kb   5.1kb
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We can issue standard OpenSearch queries against a index to search for chat messages.

POST /cwl-2023.03.03/_search
  "query": {
    "wildcard": {
       "payload.Content": {
          "value": "*weather*"
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This query will return a standard JSON result containing metadata about the index, query execution, and the query results.

  "took" : 120,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 5,
    "successful" : 5,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : {
      "value" : 1,
      "relation" : "eq"
    "max_score" : 1.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "cwl-2023.03.03",
        "_id" : "[redacted]",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "event_timestamp" : "2023-03-03T16:01:33.875Z",
          "type" : "MESSAGE",
          "payload" : {
            "Type" : "MESSAGE",
            "Id" : "Ll4kxDgNaW7f",
            "RequestId" : "",
            "Attributes" : {
              "username" : "Admin"
            "Content" : "the weather is cold",
            "SendTime" : "2023-03-03T16:01:33.87564497Z",
            "Sender" : {
              "UserId" : "8e9a91d3-3ab7-4b89-b2a8-da1326beb055",
              "Attributes" : {
                "username" : "Admin"
          "version" : "1.0",

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Since the chat messages are JSON, we can even search directly for chat messages posted by a specific user:

POST /cwl-2023.03.03/_search 
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "payload.Attributes.username": "Admin"
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If multiple chat rooms are sharing the logging configuration, we can search for messages related to a specific room.

POST /cwl-2023.03.06/_search 
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "@log_stream": "aws/IVSChatLogs/1.0/room_0wgOPVl4ZRdu"
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We can also search for messages within a given timeframe.

POST /cwl-2023.03.06/_search 
  "query": {
    "range": {
      "@timestamp": {
        "gte": "now-10m",
        "lt": "now"
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Refer to the OpenSearch documentation for more information on querying your index.


In this post, we looked at how to stream a Amazon IVS chat log messages into an OpenSearch Service cluster via a CloudWatch log group subscription filter. This allows us to perform powerful queries against our chat log history and find messages by specific criteria.

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