Hi !
Last week I wrote 2 posts about
It’s a super cool feature ! 😁
GitHub Actions, are an important part of this series, and on the online event, I had this question:
How do I display the current status of the last run of an Action?
Lucky me, this one is an easy one. On the Actions section in GitHub, we select the workflow and we have the option to “Create Status Badge”.
We can generate the markdown code for this action.
The markdown is super simple, and if you want to also use this in other format, like HTML, you just need to add the sufix [/badge.svg] to the action .yml definition.
So, once I added this to the Readme.md in my repo, I can see that the build action didn’t succeed.
Let’s fix it ! I just need to add an entry HTML file to the Azure Static website, and now it works.
The sample repo is here: https://github.com/elbruno/AzureApiBadge/tree/master
Happy coding!
El Bruno
More posts in my blog ElBruno.com.
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