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Yet Another mTLS Tutorial

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I've come across many mTLS tutorials on the internet but none of them took me through the process, end-to-end, in a satisfying fashion. I hope to do in this tutorial is to start with the ideas of TLS and mTLS and conclude with an implementation you could reasonably productionize. Although we'll be using a Golang server as our backend and Traefik as our reverse proxy, these ideas translate to other technologies as well.

Let's Start with the Barebones

Serve Me!

In a traditional TLS setup, the kind you encounter every time you see that green padlock icon in your browser's address bar, it is the browser verifying the server's identity. When you go to a website you access it via an address such as If the website has TLS support (and if you encounter one in 2021 that does not have TLS support, seriously, don't use it), the browser will ask it to send over its server-side certificate in order to verify that the website is actually who it says it is. The website sends back such a certificate which has a CommonName (also known as a Fully Qualified Domain Name, or FQDN) field which should match the address you entered in the address bar. For the returned certificate should have a CommonName of Your browser will see that the CommonName and the name in the address match and it will be satisfied that you are indeed visiting a website who is what it claims to be.

"But wait!" I hear you say, "Couldn't anyone send back a certificate with a CommonName field set to whatever?" Astute observation. Indeed, anyone can create a certificate, attach whatever CommonName they choose and send it back to your browser...

...except, they can't.

That's where Certificate Authorities (CAs) come in. These are organizations that have (allegedly) gone through rigorous audits and whose trustworthiness has been verified to an extent that if they say that a website is who it says it is, that's good enough for browsers to trust that website. And how does this process work, you say? We'll get to that when we get to the more hands-on section of this post.

Ti(m)e to Reciprocate

Alright, so web browsers know who the server is. The server can be trusted. But can the browser be trusted? Maybe, maybe not. But to make our use case more practical let's move away from the example of an end-user using a browser and move to two backend machines talking to each other. Let's imagine we have a traditional client-server architecture where Machine A needs to get data from Machine B at random intervals, and the way that Machine B has decided it wants Machine A to authenticate is Mutual TLS.

If you understood how a server identified itself to the client by using a certificate trusted by a third party, you're already most of the way to understanding mTLS: it's kind of in the name.

In mTLS (Mutual TLS) the server sends its certificate as usual, but the client has to send one too. Let's say Machine B (the server) identifies itself as and has a certificate with a matching CommonName, that's one side of the equation. In order for the other side (Machine A, the client) to do its part, it also needs to obtain a certificate. This certificate doesn't have to have a specific CommonName. It doesn't have to be But if we're only using public CAs, the easiest thing for Machine A to do is to prove to a CA that they own and then be issued a certificate for that CommonName. Machine B, on its end will know to expect requests from Machine A authenticated by a certificate that has the CommonName of

Are there other ways to do this? Sure. Machine B could host its own CA and issue a certificate to Machine A. That way Machine B knows exactly what to expect since it's the one that issued the certificate.

I'll end this section with a link to a really nice article that has some informative diagrams.

Let's Get Our Hands Dirty

It's time to get into some hands-on learning. Let's start with our backend.

Reflect Thine Headers

package main
import (
func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/headers", headers)
    http.ListenAndServe(":6969", nil)
func headers(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
    for name, headers := range req.Header {
        for _, h := range headers {
            fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v: %v\n", name, h)
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If you're unfamiliar with Golang here's what the above code does:

  • starts a http server on port 6969
  • responds with any headers sent to it

Feel free to implement this in your language of choice if you don't have the Golang toolchain set up. Once you have your backend running, let's move on to the frontend.

Curl It

❯ curl -H "heyo: mayo" http://localhost:6969/headers
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What, did you think we were going to write some HTML and JS code? Do I look like I'm in a masochistic mood? Curl is good enough for our needs. If you don't have it installed, google (or your choice of search engine) is your friend.

If you managed to run that curl command and your backend has been running, you should get a response like this:

User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
Accept: */*
Heyo: mayo
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As expected, we've had our headers reflected back to us. So far so good.

We could go ahead and implement mTLS right there in our backend Golang code but in a robust production system you want your concerns to be separated. Our backend shouldn't have to worry about TLS protocol stuff, so let's move all of that to our reverse proxy.

For our choice of reverse proxy there's always good old Nginx which has a straightforward way to configure mTLS. If you're feeling especially nostalgic you might even find yourself reaching for Apache where you can also configure mTLS.

But we're hip and cool (or at least we like to think so) so we're going to be using the (relatively) new kid on the block Traefik Proxy. I'm sure you can figure out how to install it, by yourself. Do that and come back once you've read up on Traefik's configuration management.


Back? Figured out how to load static and dynamic configuration in Traefik? Good, so here's what we'll be using.

Note: I'm using version 2.2.1, the latest (at the time of this writing) is 2.4.x, but I don't think there should be a big difference in our experiences using either one.

Static Config

## Static configuration
level = "DEBUG"

dashboard = true
debug = true
insecure = true

address = ":8089"

address = ":443"

directory = "path/to/dynamic-config/directory"

defaultMode = "keep"

defaultMode = "keep"

defaultMode = "keep"
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Here's what's happening:

  • We're starting a dashboard where we can view our configurations
  • We're starting a web listener (regular http) at port 8089
  • We're starting a secure listener (https) at port 443
  • We're providing the directory where our dynamic config is stored (you can have a ton of dynamic config files and they all get merged into one big config)

Let's look at the dynamic config.

Dynamic Config



rule = "Host(`traefik.local`)"
service = "api@internal"

rule = "Host(`server.mtls-tut.local`)"
service = "mtls-tut"

url = ""
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Here's what's happening:

  • We're defining a router to route any requests that match the rule Host(server.mtls-tut.local). Any requests that arrive with the host value set to server.mtls-tut.local will get picked up by the router mtls-tut. The same is done for the traefik api (which is used by its dashboard).
  • We're defining a service called mtls-tut which load-balances to our backend server running at port 6969. In our router configuration we've defined this service as the one that should be serving all requests for server.mtls-tut.local

Now start Traefik however you prefer (docker, binary, whatever), make sure it can access both the static and dynamic files and you've pointed it to pick up the static config. If you did everything right Traefik will start up and print logs.

INFO[0000] Configuration loaded from file: /Users/shak/installs/traefik/traefik.toml
INFO[2023-02-04T10:01:47+01:00] Traefik version 2.2.1 built on 2020-04-29T18:09:41Z
DEBU[2023-02-04T10:01:47+01:00] Static configuration loaded {"global":{"checkNewVersion":true},"serversTransport":{"maxIdleConnsPerHost":200},"entryPoints":{"traefik":{"address":":8080","transport":{"lifeCycle":{"graceTimeOut":10000000000},"respondingTimeouts":{"idleTimeout":180000000000}},"forwardedHeaders":{},"http":{}},"web":{"address":":8089","transport":{"lifeCycle":{"graceTimeOut":10000000000},"respondingTimeouts":{"idleTimeout":180000000000}},"forwardedHeaders":{},"http":{}},"websecure":{"address":":443","transport":{"lifeCycle":{"graceTimeOut":10000000000},"respondingTimeouts":{"idleTimeout":180000000000}},"forwardedHeaders":{},"http":{}}},"providers":{"providersThrottleDuration":2000000000,"file":{"directory":"/Users/shak/projects/mtls-example/traeifk/dynamic","watch":true}},"api":{"insecure":true,"dashboard":true,"debug":true},"log":{"level":"DEBUG","format":"common"},"accessLog":{"format":"common","filters":{},"fields":{"defaultMode":"keep","names":{"defaultMode":"keep"},"headers":{"defaultMode":"keep"}}}}
INFO[2023-02-04T10:01:47+01:00] Starting provider *file.Provider {"directory":"/Users/shak/projects/mtls-example/traeifk/dynamic","watch":true}
INFO[2023-03-04T10:01:47+01:00] Starting provider *traefik.Provider {}
DEBU[2023-03-04T10:01:47+01:00] Configuration received from provider file: {"http":{"routers":{"mtls-tut":{"service":"mtls-tut","rule":"Host(`server.mtls-tut.local`)"},"traeifk-api":{"service":"api@internal","rule":"Host(`traefik.local`)"}},"services":{"mtls-tut":{"loadBalancer":{"servers":[{"url":""}],"passHostHeader":null}}}},"tcp":{},"udp":{},"tls":{}}  providerName=file
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Traefik started with the static config we provided and then loaded the dynamic config. Let's make sure the dashboard is up. By default Traefik starts the dashboard on port 8080

If you see this page


Traefik is up and running. If we go to /dashboard/#/http/routers/mtls-tut@file


We can confirm that our desired configurations were picked up by Traefik. Note the empty TLS and Middlewares sections. We'll be filling those soon.

The final piece of this first part of the puzzle is modifying our /etc/hosts file and adding a new entry: server.mtls-tut.local
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Let's try curl again.

❯ curl -H "heyo: mayo" http://server.mtls-talk.local:8089/headers
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Note that we are now accessing the http entrypoint of our reverse proxy and not our backend. Your response should look something like:

Accept-Encoding: gzip
Heyo: mayo
X-Forwarded-Host: server.mtls-tut.local:8089
X-Forwarded-Port: 8089
X-Forwarded-Proto: http
User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
Accept: */*
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All those extra headers are telling us that Traefik is successfully routing our request to our backend at port 6969.

Phew! All that work and we haven't even started on the TLS part of things.

TLS Time

First we're going to need a CA. You could go to the trouble of getting a certificate online. If you have two domain names you own, getting certificates from Let's Encrypt is an inexpensive solution. But for our tutorial we'll stick with our local resources. Let's make a CA!

Break Open that Bottle of openssl

Making your own CA is surprisingly simple (getting others to trust it is a different matter). You'll need openssl which should already be installed on your platform of choice but if it isn't, google is your friend, again.

Once you have it, it's time to make the most important decision so far: what are you going to call your CA? I'll keep things simple for myself and call mine Not very imaginative but it's been a long week.

The first thing we need to do now that we've decided a name is to create the Root Certificate. The Root Certificate is a Big Deal™. This is the certificate that will be acting as-- you guessed it-- the root of all certificates issued by our CA. Other certificates will draw their authority from this Root Certificate.

First, we need a private key.

❯ openssl genrsa \
    -out 4096
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The private key is basically a really big random number. We need to keep this number secret. Most CAs don't even keep these keys online. If it can't be accessed via a network it (probably) can't be hacked. CAs take the security of their private keys very seriously. In our case, we can choose to be somewhat lackadaisical about the security of our private key. I'm going to store it in a directory called mtls-tut and pretend it is guarded by digital pitbulls.

timothy-perry-G9_4owLR9b4-unsplash (1)

If you ran the above command you should see output like this:

Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)ls
~/mtls-tut ❯
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With a key in hand we need to derive a X509 certificate. I will let you read up on what the X509 format looks like. For our purposes we need to know that the certificate is a collection of fields such as country, city, region, some others, and most importantly, the CommonName.

❯ openssl req -x509 -new -nodes \
    -key \
    -sha256 -days 1024 \
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You will get an interactive prompt asking you to enter values for the fields I mentioned above.

You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) []:BE
State or Province Name (full name) []:Flanders
Locality Name (eg, city) []:
Organization Name (eg, company) []:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:
Common Name (eg, fully qualified host name) []
Email Address []:
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Most of it is informational except the CommonName which is very important. Get that one right.

❯ ll
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We now have a private key and a X509 certificate for our CA. And that's enough to get us started on the next step: creating the server-side certificate. The process is very similar to what we did for the CA certificate with one key difference.

We'll start the same as before by generating a private key.

❯ openssl genrsa -out server.mtls-tut.local.key 2048
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Next we're going to derive a X509 certificate from this private key, however, we will also sign this certificate with the CA key and CA cert we generated earlier.

To do this we first need a CSR (Certificate Signing Request). A CSR is a request that is signed by the private key of the server and submitted to the CA. If the CA is happy with it, they will issue a certificate based on this CSR.

❯ openssl req -new -sha256 -key server.mtls-tut.local.key \
    -subj "/C=BE/ST=AN/CN=server.mtls-tut.local" \
    -out server.mtls-tut.local.csr
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The CSR includes the same fields we used to generate the certificate of our CA (I decided to include it as part of the command, this time, instead of starting an interactive session). In essence they serve the same function: identification of an entity, be it a server, organization, or other. In the CA's case there isn't any higher authority to authenticate it. It is the highest digital authority. For a server certificate, the CA is the higher authority that authenticates the server certificate. Since we have our own CA, we can sign our own certificate, giving it our stamp of approval.

❯ openssl x509 -req -in server.mtls-tut.local.csr \
    -CA -CAkey \
    -CAcreateserial -out server.mtls-tut.local.crt \
    -days 500 -sha256
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If we break down the command a bit, we'll see that we're taking the CSR as an input, accepting the CA key and cert, and apart from a few config options, outputting a X509 certificate.

Phew again! We have our CA and we managed to get some server certificates out of it. Can we see some TLS action already?!

Putting it All Together

Now we're going to talk to our backend via our reverse proxy using https. Instead of making the request to http://server.mtls-tut.local:8089/headers we'll be making it to https://server.mtls-tut.local/headers (the 443 is implied). If we try it right now...

❯ curl -H "heyo: mayo" https://server.mtls-tut.local/headers
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here:

curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
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...curl is going to complain. If you visit the address in your browser you'll see:


If we go ahead and inspect the certificate that's being returned to the browser:


Hey, that's not right! We went to all that trouble to generate a server-side certificate but Traeifk isn't even using it! What gives?

Well, we give. I think. Never really explored that expression. We haven't configured Traefik to use our certificates, yet. Let's open up the dynamic configuration and add a few lines.



rule = "Host(`traefik.local`)"
service = "api@internal"

rule = "Host(`server.mtls-tut.local`)"
service = "mtls-tut"

url = ""

certFile = "/path/to/mtls-tut/server.mtls-tut.local.crt"
keyFile = "/path/to/mtls-tut/server.mtls-tut.local.key"
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We added our server cert and key to Traeifk's TLS Certificate store. Now Traefik won't have to rely on its default certificate and can serve up ours, instead.

Now let's try curling again:

❯ curl -H "heyo: mayo" https://server.mtls-tut.local/headers
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here:

curl failed to verify the legitimacy of the server and therefore could not
establish a secure connection to it. To learn more about this situation and
how to fix it, please visit the web page mentioned above.
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Dang it! It still doesn't work. Let's take a look at the browser:


Alright, at least it's returning the right certificate (and not some default ones generated by Traefik), but the browser and curl both still complain. Why?

Certificate Stores

Each install of an OS (Operating System) comes bundled with a store of Root Certificates. Remember that Root Certificate we generated a few paragraphs earlier that identified our CA and had all those fields about location and name? Every CA has Root Certificates that they distribute (not the private key, mind you, never the private key) once the CA has been deemed trustworthy. OSes and even browsers can choose to include these Root Certificates in their Certificate Store.

What this means is that when a certificate issued by one of these CAs to a server makes its way to a browser, the browser verifies if one of the Root Certificates it holds in its Certificate Store has signed this certificate. If that's the case, the browser knows the certificate can be trusted. Similarly curl relies on the OSes certificate store (it is entirely possible for your browser and your OS to have different Certificate Stores, though most, if not all, of the Root Certificates in their stores will be identical) to figure out the validity of a server certificate.

In our case our CA that we made five whole minutes back isn't known to either our browser or to curl.


One way to remedy that is by adding our CA's Root Certificate to these stores, but that's drastic. There's a reason those stores only have trusted Root Certificates in them and you shouldn't mess around with that.

What we can do instead is to tell curl to trust our CA for the duration of a specific request:

❯ curl --cacert /path/to/mtls-tut/ \
    -H "heyo: mayo" https://server.mtls-tut.local/headers

Accept-Encoding: gzip
Accept: */*
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
X-Forwarded-Host: server.mtls-tut.local
X-Forwarded-Port: 443
User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
Heyo: mayo
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Et voila! Now the certificate returned by our server is trusted because we have explicitly told curl which Root Certificate to trust as the higher authority.

Finally, mTLS!

We're in the final stretch, only a little bit more, I promise.

Let's finally add mTLS to our reverse proxy. We start by updating our Traefik dynamic config, again:



rule = "Host(`traefik.local`)"
service = "api@internal"

rule = "Host(`server.mtls-tut.local`)"
service = "mtls-tut"

options = "myTLSOptions"

url = ""

certFile = "/path/to/mtls-tut/server.mtls-tut.local.crt"
keyFile = "/path/to/mtls-tut/server.mtls-tut.local.key"

clientAuthType = "RequireAnyClientCert"
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This time not only did we add a new section for configuring client-auth, we also applied that config to our router. Now our router should require some client certificate to be present. And if we try curling...

❯ curl --cacert \
    -H "heyo: mayo" https://server.mtls-tut.local/headers

curl: (35) error:1401E412:SSL routines:CONNECT_CR_FINISHED:sslv3 alert bad certificate
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... we see that it is so. The server won't let us in unless we provide a client certificate. So let's generate one.

The Same Old Song and Dance

The process of generating a client-side certificate is identical to creating a server-side one. Remember how we made a private key for the server, made a CSR out of it, then got the CA to sign that CSR giving us the final cert? We're going to repeat the exact same steps, only this time changing the CommonName to client.mtls-tut.local.

❯ openssl genrsa -out client.mtls-tut.local.key 2048
Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)

❯ openssl req -new -sha256 -key client.mtls-tut.local.key \
    -subj "/C=BE/ST=AN/CN=client.mtls-tut.local" \
    -out client.mtls-tut.local.csr

❯ openssl x509 -req -in client.mtls-tut.local.csr \
    -CA -CAkey \
    -CAcreateserial -out client.mtls-tut.local.crt \
    -days 500 -sha256
Signature ok
Getting CA Private Key
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If all went well, we should have 3 new files:

❯ ll
-rw-r--r-- client.mtls-tut.local.crt
-rw-r--r-- client.mtls-tut.local.csr
-rw-r--r-- client.mtls-tut.local.key
-rw-r--r-- server.mtls-tut.local.crt
-rw-r--r-- server.mtls-tut.local.csr
-rw-r--r-- server.mtls-tut.local.key
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Awesome! Now we need to ask curl to use these files when making a request:

❯ curl --key client.mtls-tut.local.key --cert client.mtls-tut.local.crt \
    --cacert -H "heyo: mayo" https://server.mtls-tut.local/headers

Accept: */*
X-Forwarded-Port: 443
Accept-Encoding: gzip
User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
Heyo: mayo
X-Forwarded-Host: server.mtls-tut.local
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
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We have successfully implemented mTLS! Break out da champagne...


We still have one last thing to do (I promise, this is the last bit).

Trust, Again

Eagle-eyed readers will have noticed that our Traefik configuration is trusting any certificate that we send. For curl to work we had to tell it exactly from which CA to expect the server certifcate. But our Traefik configuration is requiring any client cert. It's in the name RequireAnyClientCert. The problem with this being how easy it is to create your own CA and generate certificates. We just did it in a few minutes.

So in order to restrict Traefik to trusting only specific CAs we have to submit those Root Certificates into Traeifk's trust store and set the value of clientAuthType to RequireAndVerifyClientCert



rule = "Host(`traefik.local`)"
service = "api@internal"

rule = "Host(`server.mtls-tut.local`)"
service = "mtls-tut"

options = "myTLSOptions"

url = ""

certFile = "/path/to/mtls-tut/server.mtls-tut.local.crt"
keyFile = "/path/to/mtls-tut/server.mtls-tut.local.key"

clientAuthType = "RequireAndVerifyClientCert"
caFiles = ["/path/to/mtls-tut/"]
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If you curl again:

❯ curl --key client.mtls-tut.local.key --cert client.mtls-tut.local.crt \
    --cacert -H "heyo: mayo" https://server.mtls-tut.local/headers

Accept-Encoding: gzip
X-Forwarded-Host: server.mtls-tut.local
Accept: */*
Heyo: mayo
X-Forwarded-Port: 443
X-Forwarded-Proto: https
User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
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Well of course it will work! The certificates we're using for our client-auth was generated by the CA we've told Traefik to trust. But if we try to use a certificate generated by a different CA or change our Traefik config to trust a different CA for client-auth, this call would fail.

Verifying that last claim is left as an exercise for the reader.

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Top comments (4)

felixmertin profile image
Felix Mertineit • Edited

thanks for this awesome and detailed article. It helped me a lot to understand the mutual TLS set up in traefik.
I have one question regarding the value for the caFiles.
Instead of:
["/path/to/mtls-tut/client.mtls-tut.local.crt"] should it not rather be:
["/path/to/mtls-tut/"] ?
My understanding is that the CA serves as the validator for the Client and Server-Side or am I misunderstanding something here?

badgerbadgerbadgerbadger profile image

Hi. Thanks for reading the article. You're right, it should indeed be ["/path/to/mtls-tut/"]. I'll make the correction, thank you!

carlskii profile image
Carl Bourne

Hi this is a great article, however I get as far as the "Trust" section then when I try to curl using TLS:
curl --cacert /path/to/mtls-tut/ \
-H "heyo: mayo" https://server.mtls-tut.local/headers

I get 404 page not found error.

Everything works fine with HTTP.

carlskii profile image
Carl Bourne • Edited

Looks like the bit missing from the article was this

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This is included in the last dynamic content example, but missing from the first example which means the one way TLS example doesn't work as described.

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