Scopes in JavaScript
- Global Scope
- Functional or Local Scope
- Block Scope
Global Scope
- Variables, objects and functions declared in global scope are accessible in any part of the file.
var globalVariable = "I am a global variable";
let globalVariableDeclaredWithLet =
"I am a global variable declared with let keyword";
const globalConstant = "I am a global constant";
function globalFunction() {
console.log("I am a global function");
- In above example, all the variables, const and functions have global scope which means we can access them from anywhere in that file.
Functional or Local Scope
- Variables, objects and functions declared inside a function have functional scope.
- The variables can be accessed inside that function only.
function globalFunction() {
var localVariable = "I am a local variable";
let localVariableDeclaredWithLet = "I am a local variable declared with let";
function localFunction() {
console.log("I am a local function and I can be called within this function only");
localFunction(); // I am a local function and I can be called within this function only
// invoking localFunction outside the function
localFunction(); // ReferenceError: localFunction is not defined.
Block Scope:
- Variables, objects and functions declared inside if, while, for etc block of code.
- Variables, objects and functions are accessible within that block only.
if(true) {
let blockVariable = "I am a block variable";
let blockFunction = () {
console.log("I am a block function");
// blockFunction can be called here
blockFunction(); //I am a block function
// blockFunction cannot be called outside the block
blockFunction(); //ReferenceError: blockFunction is not defined
Weird Behavior of 'var'
- Variables declared with keyword var donot maintain a block scope.
if (true) {
var iAmWeird = "I am weird and you can access me from outside this block.";
// iAmWeird can be accessed outside the block.
console.log(iAmWeird); // I am weird and you can access me from outside this block.
Declared without any keyword
- Variables, functions, objects declared without any keyword do not maintain block scope and can be accessed outside the block.
if (true) {
iAmWeird = "I am weird and you can access me from outside this block.";
function weirdFunction() {
console.log("I am a weird function and you can call me from outside this block");
console.log(iAmWeird); // I am weird and you can access me from outside this block.
weirdFunction(); // I am a weird function and you can call me from outside this block
let and const
- The behavior of var not maintaining a block scope, can bring many issues in our code.
let and const comes to the rescue for this type of behavior of var.
let and const maintain the block scope.
if (true) {
let iAmWeird =
"I am not weird and you cannot access me from outside this block.";
const weirdFunction = function () {
console.log("I am not a weird function and you cannot call me from outside this block");
console.log(iAmWeird); // ReferenceError: iAmWeird is not defined.
weirdFunction(); // ReferenceError: weirdFunction is not defined.
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