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Scopes in JavaScript: Weird Behavior of 'var'

Scopes in JavaScript

  • Global Scope
  • Functional or Local Scope
  • Block Scope

Global Scope

  • Variables, objects and functions declared in global scope are accessible in any part of the file.


var globalVariable = "I am a global variable";

let globalVariableDeclaredWithLet =
  "I am a global variable declared with let keyword";

const globalConstant = "I am a global constant";

function globalFunction() {
  console.log("I am a global function");
  • In above example, all the variables, const and functions have global scope which means we can access them from anywhere in that file.

Functional or Local Scope

  • Variables, objects and functions declared inside a function have functional scope.
  • The variables can be accessed inside that function only.


function globalFunction() {
  var localVariable = "I am a local variable";

  let localVariableDeclaredWithLet = "I am a local variable declared with let";

  function localFunction() {
    console.log("I am a local function and I can be called within this function only");

  localFunction(); //  I am a local function and I can be called within this function only
// invoking localFunction outside the function
localFunction(); // ReferenceError: localFunction is not defined.

Block Scope:

  • Variables, objects and functions declared inside if, while, for etc block of code.
  • Variables, objects and functions are accessible within that block only.


if(true) {
  let blockVariable = "I am a block variable";
  let blockFunction = () {
    console.log("I am a block function");
  // blockFunction can be called here
  blockFunction(); //I am a block function
// blockFunction cannot be called outside the block
blockFunction(); //ReferenceError: blockFunction is not defined

Weird Behavior of 'var'

  • Variables declared with keyword var donot maintain a block scope.


if (true) {
  var iAmWeird = "I am weird and you can access me from outside this block.";

//  iAmWeird can be accessed outside the block.
console.log(iAmWeird); // I am weird and you can access me from outside this block.

Declared without any keyword

  • Variables, functions, objects declared without any keyword do not maintain block scope and can be accessed outside the block.


if (true) {
  iAmWeird = "I am weird and you can access me from outside this block.";

  function weirdFunction() {
    console.log("I am a weird function and you can call me from outside this block");

console.log(iAmWeird); // I am weird and you can access me from outside this block.

weirdFunction(); // I am a weird function and you can call me from outside this block

let and const

  • The behavior of var not maintaining a block scope, can bring many issues in our code.
  • let and const comes to the rescue for this type of behavior of var.
  • let and const maintain the block scope.


if (true) {
  let iAmWeird =
    "I am not weird and you cannot access me from outside this block.";

  const weirdFunction = function () {
    console.log("I am  not a weird function and you cannot call me from outside this block");

console.log(iAmWeird); // ReferenceError: iAmWeird is not defined.
weirdFunction(); // ReferenceError: weirdFunction is not defined.

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