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John Baker
John Baker

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JETL - J Extract Transform and Load

Cross posted from my blog Analyze the Data not the Drivel

I have been surreptitiously using the J programming language on the job for many years. With rare exceptions, I haven't advertised my clandestine use of J simply because it's strange and scary and nonstandard, and IT departments are filled with cowardly little bedwetters that run away like Brave Sir Robin when confronted with something really different! At first, I tried to convince the bedwetters that J is a fabulous tool: a spear in a world of bent spoons! But, if you've ever tried convincing an academic Marxist that, yes "communism has been tried", or a ufologist that funny lights in the sky are almost certainly not aliens, or a 9-11 troofer that the twin towers were absolutely not brought down by controlled demolition, then you have a pretty good idea what it's like getting IT departments to buy into unsanctioned technologies.

It's sad, but some of the most pig-headed and closed-minded people I have ever run into are fellow programmers and IT professionals. As a self-anointed elite, ITites (IT people), can be insufferably sure of themselves. Hubris is still very much a thing! As a general rule, always consider the possibility that you are full of it!

With that said, what's so great about J and why should anyone use it for database ETL (Extract Transform and Load) jobs?

ETL unavoidable grunt work and an IT Achilles heel

ETL jobs are never glamorous! You're not going to win any Turing Awards for converting dumpster-fire data into well-structured database tables. Nor will you garner accolades and "We are not worthies" from peers. Most ITites simply assume the ETL will be done while they dream of all the shiny things the polished data will enable. Precisely because ETL is dull, any moron can do it, grunt work, it's frequently discounted. I've watched many IT projects sink after being torpedoed by incomplete and crappy ETL. ETL is an IT Achilles heel; it can and has brought the mighty down.

Standard ETL jobs always consist of odd combinations of:

  1. Gather data in all its unstructured messy glory.
  2. Pick and choose the good bits.
  3. Hack and standardize your selection into rows and tables.
  4. Load the tables into mostly SQL databases.
  5. Finish the job with SQL transformations.

Every single item on this list can drain your precious bodily fluids.

This is where J can help!

Slay the Annoyances and Sack the Irritants with J

It's not an exaggeration to say that ETL is a long tiresome sequence of annoyances and irritants. It's easy to see where you need to go, and it's just N, where N is an arbitrarily large number of picayune and irritating steps between you and the pure database of your dreams.

Anything you can do to quickly slay the annoyances and sack the irritants will move you closer to your dream. The last thing you want is to write a lot of code to dispatch trivialities, but sadly, this is often the fate of ETL programmers. Like Sisyphus, they laboriously push one damn rock up the hill only to watch another roll down and take its place. When it comes to moving rocks, you want a bulldozer, not a garden spade. J is a bulldozer!

You can install Windows, MacOS or Linux versions of J from Install J with all the standard addons.

Let's take the J bulldozer for a spin.

Pimping your J bulldozer with JOD

J scripts are simple ASCII text files with an .ijs file extension. Edit them with any standard editor. Two of J's standard development environments JQT and JHS have built-in editors that provide expected goodies like syntax highlighting. Many editor extensions provide J syntax highlighting. One of my favorites is the J Language Support Visual Studio Code extension. It can be found in GitHub here and installed from the standard Visual Studio Code Marketplace.

Despite the ubiquity of J oriented text editors and script handling tools I store all my J code, test cases, and documentation in a coding tool I developed called JOD. JOD is a refactoring tool. It lets you easily reuse J words in arbitrary contexts without error prone cut-and-pasting or rampant over-inclusion. I use JOD from three J environments, jconsole, JHS, and JQT. JOD is one of many J addons. It can be installed with the J pacman utility. JOD has been entirely programmed in J and is a good example of using J to build larger systems. JOD source code is on Github. See The JOD Page for more about JOD.

In the following examples I am going to assume JOD is installed and the utilities dictionary utils is available. The latest version of utils is on GitHub here.

load 'general/jod'
get 'portchars' [ od 'utils' [ 3 od ''
NB. use ASCII box characters - simplifies blog formatting
portchars 0
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Start your JETL engine

Let's slay some annoyances.

Annoyance #1: For reasons best not discussed in civil society, many websites, point-of-sale systems, spreadsheets, and so forth encourage users to compose not-so-great novels in text entry fields. When these "novels" land in data feeds you see crap like this:

textfield =: 0 : 0
  Leading and trailing
       white     space, tabs,
 line    feeds,
and bytes @*!!
      of crap.
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It's easy to fix crap once its loaded into a SQL table but it's crap like this that get's in the way of loading the table in the first place. The following J expression cleans textfield.

(] #~ [: -. '  '&E.) textfield -. CRLF,TAB,'@#*!'
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 Leading and trailing white space, tabs, line feeds, and bytes of crap.
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The utils dictionary contains many character list verbs.

get ;:'reb allwhitetrim'
allwhitetrim reb textfield -. CRLF,TAB,'@#*!'
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Leading and trailing white space, tabs, line feeds, and bytes of crap.
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Annoyance #2: Here's another way too common Excel enabled irritant.

quotecomma=: 0 : 0
"how often",1,2,"have quoted , commas","screwed ,,, line parsing?"
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getrx 'parsecsv'  NB. load parsecsv and words it calls
',' parsecsv quotecomma
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|"how often"|1|2|"have quoted , commas"|"screwed ,,, line parsing?"|
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For example this 63MB csv file contains dreaded commas in quotes.

smoutput dir '\\jfsdev04\Shares\SwiftIQPreprocess\SwiftZipCsv\Item*.csv'
smoutput fi=: ;1 dir '\\jfsdev04\Shares\SwiftIQPreprocess\SwiftZipCsv\Item*.csv'
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ItemSales-0810202163523.csv    63958716 10-Aug-21 18:37:42
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A simple J verb can flip the offenders to semi-colons.

getrx ;:'repdqchars read'
#txt=: ',;' repdqchars read fi NB. flip commas - return byte count
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Here's the definition of repdqchars.

repdqchars=:4 : 0

NB.*repdqchars v-- replace double quoted (0{x) characters with (1{x).
NB. dyad:  cl =. clPair repdqchars cl
NB.   s=. '"go ahead, replace","quoted commas,,,,"'
NB.   ',;' repdqchars s
NB.   s -: ',,' repdqchars s

if. 2 <: #y do.
  msg=. 'unbalanced quotes'
  msg assert 0 = 2 | +/b=. '"'=y

  NB. mask of quoted characters
  q=. +/\ _1 (1 { |: _2 ]\ I. b)} b
  msg assert 0 1 -: (<./ , >./) q

  NB. replace quoted (0{x) with (1{x)
  (1{x) (I. q #^:_1 (0{x) = q#y) } y
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Much of repdqchars consists of comments and assertions. Not having to write a lot of code is a big plus when slaying annoyances and sacking irritants.

Annoyance #3: When defining database tables, it helps to understand how data is distributed --- duh! Before creating tables, it's helpful to run quick-and-dirty analyses. One useful summary is column cardinality, the number of unique column items.

NB. read and parse TAB delimited text - first row column names
get 'readtd2'
f=: '\\jfsdev04\Shares\DailyXMLPreprocess\DailyTsv\raw_RetailItemGroup_RMI.txt'
d=: readtd2 f
NB. comput column cardinalties
smoutput 'row count: ',":#d
(>0{d) ;~ ,. #@~.&> <"1 |: }. d
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
row count: 68604
| 2975|retailItemGrpID         |
| 2784|retailItemGrpName       |
|  316|retailItemGrpDescription|
|  283|orgUnitOwnerID          |
|22260|rmiID                   |
|21930|rmiName                 |
|  255|rmiExtID                |
|    1|ZipFileName             |
|    1|ZipRunNumber            |
|    1|XMLFileName             |
|    1|XMLFileDate             |
|    1|CreateDatetime          |
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J is hardly unique in its ability to subdue ETL irritants. I've personally used Python, Powershell, and SQL scripts as well but for me J administers the biggest bang per byte! Adding J to your coding arsenal will make you a more versatile programmer and a better person. Do it!

The Joys of JOD and other code databases

One of the many advantages of storing code in tools like JOD is that it's easy to run ad hoc code analysis.

load 'general/jod'
od ;:'jacksons utils' [ 3 od '' NB. open JOD dictionaries
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|1|opened (rw/ro) ->|jacksons|utils|
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Here's some basic information about the JOD group swiftprep. J scripts are easily generated from groups with JOD's mls, (make load script) verb.

smoutput (":#}. grp 'swiftprep'),': words in script'
smoutput (":#;{:2 mls 'swiftprep'),': size of commented script'
smoutput (":#;{:compj }.2 grp 'swiftprep'),': size of minimized script'
NB. a single static "noun" of tables and column names
tcl=: (}.2 grp 'swiftprep') -. <'SwiftLandTableHeaders'
smoutput (":#;{:compj tcl),': minimized script without largest noun'
smoutput (":(+/ % #);1{0 15 get }. grp 'swiftprep'),': mean bytes per word'
smoutput (":#;: ;1{2 mls 'swiftprep'),': total commented J token count'
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode
106: words in script
42221: size of commented script
23403: size of minimized script
16492: minimized script without largest noun
529.91509: mean bytes per word
5945: total commented J token count
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As you can see there isn't a lot of code, roughly 17K.

As nice as off-the-cuff code statistics are, the biggest advantage of code databases is how they simplify code recycling and document
generation. The ETL swiftprep group currently contains 106 J words. 69 of those words are specific to swiftprep. The rest are common utilities and recycled words. When swiftprep.ijs is generated with JOD's mls verb all of swiftprep\'s words are collected into a single stand-alone script. For such stand-alone scripts, I include an interface noun that lists group words you should be aware of.

get 'IFACEWORDSswiftprep'
hlpnl IFACEWORDSswiftprep
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|dailyswift         |daily SwiftIQ zip loading and maintenance tasks        |
|fullheaderscan     |scan SwiftIQ zips and build complete table headers     |
|loadswiftcsvs      |copies zip to working directory and extracts csvs      |
|loadswifttabs      |convert SwiftIQ csvs to TAB delimited table files      |
|procqueuezips      |processes queued zips from file                        |
|procswiftzip       |process a SwiftIQ zip                                  |
|queueswiftSizes    |file sizes: queueswiftSizes SwiftAuxDir,'swift2.txt'   |
|queueswiftZips     |write (y) line file of queued zips                     |
|runswiftssis       |runs SwiftIQ SSIS batch scripts                        |
|showswiftUnload    |list never loaded zips in load order                   |
|showswiftlog       |show SwiftIQ log entries                               |
|swiftLoaded        |loaded swift zips with return code: swiftLoaded '<1000'|
|swiftMissingColumns|list missing SwiftIQ landing table columns             |
|swiftZips          |sorted SwiftIQ zip files                               |
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Finally, code databases typically contain far more than code! Documentation is also stored. Stored documentation can be used to generate literate programming documents. In JOD's case jodliterate applied to swiftprep creates this indexed and annoted PDF. Enjoy!

Let J tell SSIS where to get off

I hope I've convinced you that J can help with ETL irritants. It can help, but it cannot do the entire job. At some point you will have to bring in tools like bcp, SSIS or Talend. SSIS and Talend are typically the drivers of ETL processes; they call other specialized tools as needed, but I've found that it's easier to use scripting tools like J as drivers. In this blog post I outline how easy it is to control SSIS with Python. You can use the same trick with J.

The swiftprep ETL script does:

  1. Finds a large daily FTP'ed zip file containing CSVs.
  2. Unzips the CSVs to working directories.
  3. Converts unruly CSVs to standard TAB delimited text files.
  4. Runs an SSIS package to load TAB files to SQLServer staging tables.
  5. Runs another SSIS package to transform staging tables to a reporting tables.

This reads worse than it is. The main jumping off word in swiftprep is dailyswift. Here's dailyswift:

dailyswift=:3 : 0

NB.*dailyswift v-- daily SwiftIQ zip loading and maintenance tasks.
NB. monad:  (ilRc ; clGuid) =. dailyswift uuIgnore
NB. dyad:  (ilRc ; clGuid) =. iaDayCode dailyswift uuIgnore
NB.   _1 dailyswift 0  NB. update stage only
NB.   dailyswift~ _1
NB.   NB. full table reload
NB.   42 dailyswift 0

(weekday 3 {. 6!:0 '') dailyswift y
NB. stage latest zip
'rc tg'=. procswiftzip ;0{swiftZips 0
if. 0~:0{rc do. rc;tg return. end.

if. _1=x do.
  rc=. SwiftLog 'only updating staging'
  rcnts=. cntswiftrows 0  NB. report/stage item counts

  NB. update reporting
  rc=. logswiftReportBegin tg;rcnts
  if. 0=x do.
    SwiftLog 'rowcnts::pidx: ',rcnts
    SwiftLog 'reindexing - partial table update'
    rc=. runswiftssis 'swiftreindex.bat'
    rc=. runswiftssis 'swiftreport.bat'

  elseif. 42=x do.
    NB. full updates are best babysat - trigger with
    NB. code 42 - life the universe and everything
    SwiftLog 'rowcnts::full: ',rcnts
    SwiftLog 'full table refresh'
    rc=. runswiftssis 'swiftreportfull.bat'
    SwiftLog 'rowcnts:: ',rcnts
    SwiftLog 'partial table update'
    rc=. runswiftssis 'swiftreport.bat'
  rc=. logswiftReportEnd rc;tg
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Maybe I'm an old jaded programmer, but dailyswift doesn't look very scary. Obfuscated J can be phenomenally impenetrable. Look at the definition of readtd2. Sadly, it's easy to create unreadable code in any programming language. If program code was edited like novel manuscripts, we'd seldom see incomprehensible crap but it isn't, so we must exercise personal discretion. My goal when coding is to make things so clear that that they're dismissed as trivial! And, let's face it, ETL, as tedious and time-consuming as it typically is, is trivial!

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Top comments (1)

aaronkempf profile image
Aaron Kempf

thank you for your glorious writing, and your recommendation. I'm stubborn, and trying to learn new things. I'm looking forward to this. THANKS

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