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Balram Prasad
Balram Prasad

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Elevate Your REST API: Add Robust Validation with Fluent Validation in Azure App Service

In the digital era, REST APIs are the backbone of web services, powering web and mobile applications alike. Ensuring data integrity and security through robust validation is not just recommended; it's essential. This tutorial guides you through adding powerful validation to your REST API using Fluent Validation and deploying your application to Azure App Service for a seamless, cloud-based solution.

Why Choose Fluent Validation?

Fluent Validation is a .NET library that allows for the creation of strongly-typed validation rules. Its popularity stems from its flexibility, ease of use, and integration capabilities with ASP.NET. Unlike traditional data annotations, Fluent Validation rules are centralized, easily reusable, and can be tested independently from your UI.

Setting Up Your Project

Start by creating a new ASP.NET Core Web API project in Visual Studio or VS Code. Ensure your project targets .NET 5 or later for the best compatibility with Fluent Validation.

Installing Fluent Validation

Add Fluent Validation to your project via NuGet Package Manager or the CLI:

dotnet add package FluentValidation.AspNetCore

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Creating Your First Validator

Assume we have a simple Movie model. Let's create a validator for it:

using FluentValidation;

public class MovieValidator : AbstractValidator<Movie>
    public MovieValidator()
        RuleFor(movie => movie.Title).NotEmpty().WithMessage("Title is required.");
        RuleFor(movie => movie.ReleaseYear).InclusiveBetween(1900, DateTime.Now.Year);
        // Add more rules as needed

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Integrating Fluent Validation with ASP.NET Core
In your Startup.cs or Program.cs (for .NET 6+), add the following line to configure services:

services.AddControllers().AddFluentValidation(fv => fv.RegisterValidatorsFromAssemblyContaining<MovieValidator>());

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This automatically applies Fluent Validation to your models when they're bound to a request.

Testing Validation Locally

Before deploying, test your API locally. Use tools like Postman or Swagger to ensure your validation rules are triggered as expected when you make requests to your API endpoints.

Deploying to Azure App Service

Azure App Service offers a fully managed platform for deploying and scaling web applications. Deploy your API to Azure App Service directly from Visual Studio or use the Azure CLI:

az webapp up --name <your-app-name> --resource-group <your-resource-group> --runtime "DOTNET|5.0" --plan <your-app-service-plan>

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Replace placeholders with your actual app name, resource group, and service plan details.

Exploring Fluent Validation Documentation
Dive deeper into Fluent Validation by exploring the official documentation. It offers extensive guides, best practices, and advanced scenarios to further enhance your API validation logic.

Watch the Tutorial for More Insights

Prefer a visual guide? Watch our detailed tutorial, "Elevate Your REST API: Add Robust Validation with Fluent Validation in Azure App Service," where we cover everything from setting up Fluent Validation to deploying on Azure, with real-world examples and best practices.

Watch the Full Tutorial Here

This video complements the guide, offering step-by-step visuals to ensure you have all the tools you need to implement robust validation in your REST APIs and deploy confidently with Azure App Service.


Validating input data is a cornerstone of secure and reliable API development. With Fluent Validation and Azure App Service, you're equipped to elevate your APIs, ensuring they're not only robust and scalable but also secure and compliant with industry standards.

Got questions or feedback? Drop a comment below or in the video comments section. Happy coding!

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