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Discussion on: Can Developers Help #BlackLivesMatter?

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Ben Halpern

Here is a project collecting incidents of police brutality throughout the protests....

GitHub logo 2020PB / police-brutality

Repository containing evidence of police brutality during the 2020 George Floyd protests

Police Brutality During the 2020 George Floyd Protests

New to GitHub? Just want to report an incident?

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👉🏿 Report it here! 👈🏻

For more information on contributing to this repository please consult the contribution guidelines.

This repository exists to accumulate and contextualize evidence of police brutality during the 2020 George Floyd protests.

Our goal in doing this is to assist journalists, politicians, prosecutors, activists and concerned citizens who can use the evidence accumulated here for political campaigns, news reporting, public education and prosecution of criminal police officers.

This was first started as a megathread on the subreddit /r/2020PoliceBrutality but after being overwhelmed by people looking to contribute, we decided to make a github repository so that everyone who wants to can easily contribute to the project directly.

If you are here looking for evidence of police brutality, please refer to the table of contents for links…

And here is an API endpoint from which one could build a pretty/consumable frontend. I'm sure there are already some, but I'd think this would be a decent project.

Of course, finding organizations that need developer volunteers in general would be big... With this I think key is maintaining enthusiasm after protests regress.

I'll also say... Donate! 🙂

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