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If you enable "lazy loading" in chrome://flags, your DEV browsing experience will be moderately more efficient πŸ˜„

Ben Halpern on May 09, 2019

Update: Lazy loading shipped in Chrome recently Native lazy loading is landed in Chrome πŸ”₯😍πŸ”₯ Yaser Ade...
turnerj profile image
James Turner β€’

Would love to know if you notice a measurable difference in bandwidth since adding the change.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

We'll make sure to track the difference to the extent we can. It will be a while until a substantial amount of people are actually being impacted by this.

We're probably serving a solid 3-4 TB of images/month these days and it's not getting any cheaper!

turnerj profile image
James Turner β€’

We're probably serving a solid 3-4 TB of images/month these days...

Wow, I figured you would serve a lot but that is greater than I imagined! Would love an article going into the "issues at scale" that the site faces as it grows, things like how maybe a year ago bandwidth was X with Y users compared to now. Or even like how code you thought would be fine is needing to be improved because of the scale of traffic etc.

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ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

Will do! We are lucky in this regard to have made some choices for scale early on because I was so hell-bent on performance. And perf and scaleability are highly correlated.

But scale absolutely makes changing things more of an orchestration. We can’t just flush the cache after a design change so easily. And it can be hard to account for how a new thing will work under load.

However, our scale is still pretty much chump change compared to some scale... so we’ll see about real scale in maybe a year.

But yeah, I can still write that post. πŸ˜„

jsrn profile image
James β€’

Awesome! Does anyone know if/when browsers other than Chrome are going to follow suit?

ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

I'm not sure. But since this is a pretty quiet change, I'm not too concerned about it.

Unlike Portals, which would radically affect which browsers can do what.