DEV Community

Cover image for Meme Monday

Meme Monday

Ben Halpern on December 11, 2023

Meme Monday!

Today's cover image comes from last week's thread.

DEV is an inclusive space! Humor in poor taste will be downvoted by mods.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern


muhammadalhrake_32 profile image

old AI code be like 😂🤏

frankfont profile image
Frank Font

Now the if chains are hidden away and self-evolviing :)

learnwithparam profile image
Paramanantham Harrison

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Not mine, from my company's slack channel

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

Making a WYSIWYG with non-depecrated features can be a pain, haha. I still struggle with carret start and ending position...

And by the way... typeof null; //object

cmgustin profile image
Chris Gustin

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ranjancse profile image
Ranjan Dailata

Year 2022/2023 is all about Prompt Engineering :)

Here's the prompt template for generating a c code.

declare a count variable
switch on card
case 2 to 6 - increment count by 1
case 10 or J,Q,K,A - decrement count by 1
if count greater than 0 then return count + " Bet" else return count + " Hold"

growingwings profile image
Peter Hegedus

I would spend longer time debugging/cleaning up that code than just writing it myself.

Thread Thread
ranjancse profile image
Ranjan Dailata

Agree my friend. However, we all will be replaced by the AI :)

Thread Thread
growingwings profile image
Peter Hegedus

Maybe one day. But not the current text predictor softwares they market as AI.

bigboybamo profile image
Olabamiji Oyetubo

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lopis profile image
João L.

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growingwings profile image
Peter Hegedus

I wish I was a good enough dev to get this one.

giulio profile image
Giulio "Joshi"

This is mostly a social joke about programmers that feels odd around switch statements, but just for aesthetics reasons.

alvaromontoro profile image
Alvaro Montoro

Today's comiCSS cartoon:

Cartoon with two panels. In the first one, a person wakes up yelling after dreaming that the w3c will replace css with tailwind. In the second panel, a second person (off panel) says "wow! That must have been a heck of a nightmare!" And the first person (with a sleepy and disinterested look) replies "how am I supposed to know? I am just a react developer!"

I can't believe that, after drawing several Lord of the Rings jokes in CSS, I missed the opportunity to do one more for the eleventy-one cartoon at comiCSS 😳

ervin_szilagyi profile image
Ervin Szilagyi

Who needs SOLID?

No more SOLID

nchandan profile image

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jagedn profile image

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