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Ben Halpern
Ben Halpern

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What helps build developer confidence?

How do you build personal confidence, how do you lend confidence to others?

Oldest comments (43)

blakefurvus profile image
Blake Furvus

Don't over think. It makes you and your program ugly and sad. Also your team mates get mad if you think over something this much.

"Simple" is the key.
JDIS (Just Do It Stupid) principle bruh, we need to follow that.

tacomanick profile image
Nick Shattuck

I actually just looked at an old project I built last term at school, and while it isn't much to gauk at professionally, it reminds me that at one point, I never thought I could build it. Now I am writing code that connects to a SQL database, designing GUIs, and writing Java with the confidence that I can do this.
When I try to instill confidence in others, I like to learn what they know by getting them to explain to me what they're stuck on. My purpose is to show them that they likely understand more than they think they do but aren't progressing because they're stuck thinking they'll never progress. It usually gets the gears turning in their minds or at least gives them some pep talk.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Looking back on old things is a big big big one for me. Just thinking about where I used to be and how far I've come since then is always a big one.

mabla0531 profile image
Matthew Bland

One main thing I realized one day when I was struggling with learning c++ data structures is how long I went practicing c++ without even knowing what a pointer was (this was junior high and early high school). It's interesting to realize how easy the concept is and yet how hard I thought it was back then.

andrekelvin profile image

Totally agree

sonyarianto profile image
Sony AK

don't think about it, just follow your passion, confidence will follow as well

swarupkm profile image
Swarup Kumar Mahapatra • Edited

Accepting the fact that "Its ok to not know everything" and "I can learn it and do it" gives me confidence.
Pretty sure it does to others too

jsn1nj4 profile image
Elliot Derhay • Edited

That first one is a big relief if you feel overwhelmed (especially since there are always new things coming out that suddenly get hyped up as "the future of X development"). It really is ok to not know everything. Heck, it's ok to use (and like using) a toolset that's a popular subject of ridicule.

brownio profile image
Antonio Djigo

To build it first you have to commit many mistakes, and learn from them. What you've got to be sure is to learn from those mistakes to become a proficient and confident coder C:

mattorb profile image
Matt Smith • Edited

When it comes tackling things that I might not have immediate confidence in, I try to remind myself that often trying something, even if it is wrong, is the best way to learn whether I need to try something else. The sooner that course correction can be made, the easier it is to build confidence.

When it comes to code, I try to build tight feedback cycles into everything I do. I find the more I can get into the habit of making a small change and quickly seeing the result of that, the better my development cadence and therefore the easier it is to gain confidence in a path.

To lend confidence to others, I try to encourage both of the aforementioned things: fail fast to learn quickly and find ways to make feedback loops tighter.

cristinaruth profile image
Cristina Ruth
  • Try something even if it's hard.
  • Celebrate that you did it! 🙌
  • Remember to celebrate your small wins.
  • Be kind to yourself and be your own personal cheerleader, especially through failures.
  • Remember to appreciate and thank others so they can appreciate themselves.
ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Celebrate that you did it! 🙌

@jess 's weekly wins threads are great for that 😄

steelwolf180 profile image
Max Ong Zong Bao • Edited

High 5 people who had solved a difficult programming problem that they had spent hours or days on it

missamarakay profile image
Amara Graham

I really enjoy building the confidence of others. This is how I shape my developer relations program and advocacy work that I do. Talks, tutorials, blogs, etc. should distill complex information down to a digestible level without dumbing it down. I often introduce new language or jargon to folks first so that they can learn how to "speak the language" before trying to write code. From there I help them scope out small, manageable tasks. Confidence is easier to find with a sense of completion. Then you celebrate the completion and move to the next task.

buphmin profile image

Repetition and practice is how I build confidence. I heard once that you need to do something 10,000 times to master it. When you have solved a problem many times then solving it and similar problems will come naturally.

Helping others is harder but showing others ways to do things without belittling them could help. Confidence is an individual state and cannot be given, only nurtured in my opinion.

tuchi profile image
Marvelous • Edited

Firstly, developers always can do better than they are aware they can. I am one example of this.

I once took a project I didn't even understand properly. I only just told myself "I will sort it out". And I did just that. I delivered the project and got a five star rating.

Reminiscing now, I just see how much I underrated myself. And that gives me so much chill pills. I've been too harsh on myself. I was my own enemy.

timbus profile image

Confidence, in a way, is self-esteem and self-trust.
It means you are aware of your knowledge, skills and surroundings: there will be people specialized in this sub-domain, others with a specific language, and others might prefer the human side of things, but everyone is an expert in its domain, if you know that you are the man of the situation for what you do then you are good, if it is not the case, find what makes you happy and what you enjoy to do around the Dev practice.

It also is about the reactions you have when an exterior event occurs, if somebody is judging you by what you do or what you are (of course it's about the person judging because it is rude), your confidence shows itself in the way you react to said judgement. The less you care about judgements, the more you gain in confidence.

Regarding confidence to others, I'm pretty simple: you already gained my trust and you are someone important and very interesting, from this point you can only lose it (but don't worry, it's hard to lose my trust). In lending confidence, I listen to the other, give credit where it is due and rightfully speak about various subjects besides developing and code, because I believe people get confident when they speak about themselves, not about what they do !

sobolevn profile image
Nikita Sobolev • Edited

We observe that a healthy culture and good tools you can rely on are the key to the developer's success.

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