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Discussion on: What's the state of Ruby? Is it trending down for good or just settling in to a mature niche role?

t0nylombardi profile image
Anthony Lombardi

I think there is a decline because there is a stigma around its speed. I've built an API for tracking my companies ads. I was getting caught up with speed issues jibber and I was afraid. Then, I ran some benchmarks and stress test. It prevailed! I think people drop it cause they think way too far down the road and think their one thing will blow up tomorrow. && if it does, that's a good problem to have. A lot of people forget how easy and powerful the language is.

Rails 5 allows an API version which is a slimmer version of rails but I would like if Rails could be trimmed down further. Or maybe I need to embrace Sinatra more.

I've coded in many of languages and ruby was the first language that I truly fell in love with. My love for it is the reason why I stick around.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I'm constantly perplexed by how much attention Ruby's performance gets. Nobody uses Ruby for the kinds of tasks where performance is that critical in the first place. If you're trying to do high frequency trading in Ruby, you have other problems.

richburroughs profile image
Rich Burroughs

I can't agree with dismissing the performance concern. For a while many infrastructure tools were written in Ruby, and now most of them have moved to Go or another compiled language. I've seen some people playing with Crystal but I don't know anyone using it for those kinds of tools yet.

The thread about the proposed code of conduct last year was such a bummer, and it had a real impact on my enthusiasm for Ruby.

twof profile image
Alex Reilly

At least on the Ruby subreddit every time performance gets brought up, folks point to Shopify as an example of Ruby at scale. So someone is using Ruby in an environment where performance is somewhat critical, but Shopify is required to do some absolutely insane optimizations to server their userbase

jillesvangurp profile image
Jilles van Gurp

Put differently, anybody that cares about performance, would probably not want to use it for that reason and therefore is not using it. Personally, I've had good experience dodging some of the performance and concurrency issues with jruby but still ended up replacing ruby with plain java in the end. Performance wasn't the key concern here but just the fact that ruby seems to require a lot of ever elusive discipline in order to keep some notion of architectural sanity. There's just something in the ruby community that causes ruby projects to self implode under the never ending monkey patching, silly hacks and type obfuscation. At some point replacing it completely with just about anything else becomes very attractive.

A recent problem with rails is that it only made sense as long as server side MVC was a thing. That notion is sort of dead now that we have client side apps doing their own MVC layers (react, angular, etc) along with such things as graphql, microservices and simple json APIs. It's just not as good as a match for development as it was 13 years ago.