I'm interested to know whether, how, and to what extent LLMs (could, if suitably designed) exhibit genuine intelligence, but to figure that out, I need to know how they work. To that end I've been watching "The spelled-out intro to language modeling: building makemore" in Andrej Karpathy's YouTube playlist "Neural Networks: Zero to Hero." Between the timestamps 44:23 and 47:20, Andrej encourages his viewers to sleuth out the answer to the following question (note: I'm paraphrasing and simplifying, abstracting away some of the particulars of Andrej's code). Let tensor
be a PyTorch tensor—an instance of the class torch.Tensor
, representing
Suppose tensor
has dimensions 27x27. Why can't we assume the return value of tensor.sum(1)
is identical to that of tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
, and thus that tensor / tensor.sum(1)
and tensor / tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
both evaluate to the same thing?
After all, according to PyTorch's broadcasting semantics, tensor
and tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
are broadcastable, and tensor
and tensor.sum(1)
are as well. So tensor
can be divided by either tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
or tensor.sum(1)
. And as long as these two division operations are legal, it's not immediately obvious how they can yield different results. The variable tensor
holds the same value in both division operations. And each of the alternate divisors is a tensor containing the sum of each "row" of tensor
in dimension 1
. Given all these commonalities, what difference could the value of keepdim
I know I've just presupposed a fair amount of knowledge. You may follow the preceding paragraph better if you watch Andrej's video first. We'll also unpack what I just said in a future post. But before I even attempt to answer Andrej's question, I have some catching up to do, learning how to read both Python code and the documentation for Python libraries like PyTorch.
Let's take a look at the documentation for torch.sum
I'm not accustomed to Python, only C++, JavaScript, and to an extent Java. So when I tried to make sense of the relation between torch.sum
, whose signature is in the image, and tensor.sum
, my thought process went roughly as follows.
With both tensor
and an integer n
at our disposal, we can invoke a function sum
in either of two ways: torch.sum(tensor, n)
or tensor.sum(n)
. Both invocations do exactly the same thing, so far as I can tell. So either sum
is the same function in both cases, or two functions with the same name have extremely similar implementations. I'll go with the former hypothesis, because it's simpler. Thus, torch
and tensor
share a function named sum
accessible via the dot operator, .
. Most likely, then, torch.Tensor
and its instances, including tensor
, inherit sum
from torch
. Now, methods can only be inherited from types, not from individual objects. So torch
must be a type. It's beyond me what kind of type it is. I have heard torch
described as a module. That constitutes some reason to doubt it's a class or interface. But for all I know modules are, or can be, classes or interfaces. That's how unfamiliar I am with Python lingo like "module." At all events it would seem that sum
is a static method of torch
, since you can call it on torch
itself, not just an instance of the type torch
. And since this method has a body in torch
, I suspect torch
is not an interface.
Again, that last paragraph is just what I thought initially, when I was a bit less Python literate. Unfortunately, my reasoning there led me astray. torch.sum(input,dim,keepdim=False,*,dtype=None)
is not a static method's signature. In fact, it's not a method signature at all, since sum
is not a method of torch
. Why it's not a method of torch
takes a little explaining.
By definition, a function
is a method of
if and only if (i)
is an attribute belonging to some type
and (ii)
is or instantiates
As it happens, the function sum
is an attribute of a type, namely torch.Tensor
. So, by our definition, sum
is a method of torch.Tensor
and of any instance thereof. But it's not a method of torch
. For sum
to be a method of torch
, torch
would have to either be or instantiate a type of which sum
is an attribute. Being a module—which, much like a Java package, is a namespace—torch
is not a type (a class/struct or interface). So the only way sum
can be a method of torch
is if torch
instantiates (is an instance of) a type of which sum
is an attribute. Now, torch
does instantiate types, namely the superclasses of the types.ModuleType
class: object
and ModuleType
itself. But sum
is not an attribute of ModuleType
or object
Therefore, while sum
is an attribute of torch
and a method of torch.Tensor
and its instances, it's not a method of torch
, let alone specifically a static method of torch
Modules such as torch
, it turns out, are objects in Python, seeing as they are instances of the ModuleType
class. Virtually everything in Python is an object, including classes and instances of types like int
and bool
that you might expect to be primitive, as are the corresponding types in other languages. That torch
is an object explains how it can have attributes despite being a module rather than a class or interface. (Interfaces technically don't exist at all in Python. Had I known this, I could've immediately and decisively ruled out that torch
is an interface, rather than tentatively ruling that out based on torch
's having a callable function.)
How then do torch
and torch.Tensor
have the attribute sum
in common? It can't be that Tensor
inherits the function sum
from torch
. Nor can torch
and Tensor
inherit sum
from some type other than Tensor
. This is because only types, not modules, can stand in a relation of inheritance.
I take it what happens is that Tensor
derives sum
from torch
, but through a different mechanism than inheritance. The function sum
is originally defined in the module torch
, and subsequently sum
is associated with the class Tensor
. There are two places sum
can be so associated with Tensor
: inside and outside the definition of Tensor
. Here's how it would look inside the class definition:
def sum(input, dim, keepdim=False, *, dtype=None):
# Insert body
class Tensor:
def sum(self, dim, keepdim=False, *, dtype=None):
return sum(self, dim, keepdim, dtype)
# Insert rest of class definition
And outside the class definition:
def sum(input, dim, keepdim=False, *, dtype=None):
# Insert body
class Tensor:
# Insert class definition
Tensor.sum = sum
(Note: we're to imagine one of the above code snippets is in some file in the torch
module/package directory.) Either way, this is not true inheritance. It's reusing the torch
module's implementation of sum
to implement Tensor.sum
, either via invocation of torch.sum
in the definition of Tensor.sum
, or via monkey patching (assigning torch.sum
to Tensor.sum
, after Tensor
is defined). We shall see in due course which of these two approaches PyTorch's developers must've taken, assuming there's no third approach I've overlooked.
Let's glance once more at the function signature from the docs: torch.sum(input,dim,keepdim=False,*,dtype=None)
. There are four parameters, which are input
, dim
, keepdim
, and dtype
, in that order. (*
is not a parameter but merely an indicator that the parameters after it must receive keyword arguments: arguments of the form parameter_name=value
.) The attribute sum
of tensor
should have these four parameters as well, since Tensor.sum
and torch.sum
are essentially the same function. Granted, there's a good chance tensor.sum
comes by its first parameter in a different way than torch.sum
does. For torch.sum
is defined at the module level, whereas tensor.sum
is plausibly defined at the class level (as illustrated in the first code block above). Suppose that's how tensor.sum
is defined. Suppose further that it's a non-static method. Then its first parameter is the class instance on which the function is called. That's just how non-static methods work in Python. So the first argument comes from the left of the dot operator, not the beginning of the list of arguments enclosed in parentheses. Even so, the first parameter is intended to receive a tensor, as is the first parameter of torch.sum
. Furthermore, I think we can safely assume the remaining parameters are indistinguishable from the last three parameters of torch.sum
Now, which parameters receive which arguments in the function calls tensor.sum(1)
and tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
? Recall that we are countenancing two mutually exclusive scenarios: (a) that, as a result of monkey patching, tensor.sum
and torch.sum
have the very same parameters, and (b) that, due to tensor.sum
's being defined in a class, tensor.sum
and torch.sum
differ with respect to the source of the first argument. We can rule out (a) on the following grounds. The first argument enclosed in parentheses is 1
in both tensor.sum(1)
and tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
. So given (a) and the fact that 1
is passed as a positional argument, 1
is the first argument, period. Rather than being passed for dim
, it's passed for input
. But like input
and unlike keepdim
and dtype
, dim
lacks a default value. So dim
does not get assigned a value at all. Surely, if that were the case, tensor.sum(1)
and tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
would cause at least one TypeError
. The first error Python would most likely raise is something like:
TypeError: sum(): argument 'input' (position 1) must be Tensor, not int
But failing that, Python would undoubtedly raise this error:
TypeError: sum() missing 1 required positional argument: "dim"
Since neither of these two errors is in fact raised, we've shown that (a) is not the case. Unless I have overlooked some third scenario, (c), that leaves only one possibility as to the relation between the parameters of tensor.sum
and those of torch.sum
: (b). That is, the first argument of tensor.sum
, which function is defined in a class, must be whatever's to the left of the dot operator (unlike the first argument of torch.sum
, which is the first item in the list enclosed in parentheses in the function call). That's tensor
in the invocations tensor.sum(1)
and tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
I may be getting ahead of myself. There's one complication I haven't yet discussed, which might block our inference that (b) is the case. That complication is, torch.sum
is overloaded, so it has an alternative parameter list:
Only one of this overload's parameters, namely input
, lacks a default value. So one need only pass one argument explicitly to avoid a missing argument error.
Let's stipulate that suggestion (a) is true, and thus Tensor
has been monkey patched to have an attribute identical to torch.sum
. It follows that tensor.sum
has the very same overloads torch.sum
has. So even if only one argument were passed between the parens, there would be no error, as long as that argument were of the right type. But therein lies the rub. The first argument the overload torch.sum(input, *, dtype=None)
expects is a tensor. So tensor.sum(1)
still raises one of the errors mentioned before:
TypeError: sum(): argument 'input' (position 1) must be Tensor, not int
But, contrary to my previous hasty prediction, the missing argument error is not raised. Moreover, Python interprets tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
as an invocation of the overload with the larger parameter list, since only that overload has a parameter named keepdim
. So, when tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
is executed, we should expect Python to raise both of the errors I predicted earlier.
Again, this is all on the supposition that (a) is true. Since these error messages are not actually raised, we may infer that (a) is false. Thus, our original conclusion stands: (b) is true. It follows that tensor
is passed for input
in tensor.sum(1)
and tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
At this point we can straightforwardly ascertain the values dim
, keepdim
, and dtype
receive. If we take the positional/non-keyword arguments in the invocation tensor.sum(1)
, and pass them to torch.sum
as keyword arguments, we get torch.sum(input=tensor, dim=1, keepdim=False, dtype=None)
. These two invocations are equivalent. Also equivalent (to each other) are the invocations
tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
torch.sum(input=tensor, dim=1, keepdim=True, dtype=None)
Thus, given how Tensor.sum
is defined in terms of torch.sum
tensor.sum(dim=1, keepdim=False, dtype=None)
are equivalent, and so are
tensor.sum(1, keepdim=True)
tensor.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True, dtype=None)
In my next post in this series, I promise to do what I had set out to do in the first place: answer Andrej Karpathy's question.
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