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Barking at the right tree (1000 followers)

Adrian B.G. on October 17, 2018

New milestone Hello! I've reached a new (biggest so far) milestone in my ... publishing career, sort to speak ... more exactly 1000 fol...
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Adrian B.G.

I watched hundred of videos of CS on youtube and read tons of tutorials, there are many of them indeed, but their quality is very low.

I think I can fill some gaps. For example most of them treat CS problems like abstract statues, and they do not give a real context where they are used and how. Implementation is indeed another problem, they are usually in Java, with ugly written code i and j and hard to understand. Most of them can be written very nice in Go.

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Adrian B.G.

I will try to keep the basic CS as technology-agnostic as I can. But to have the full effect I will have to choose a common language, like Java or JS.

But Go being my specialization, probably I will squeeze it around :D people has to know how awesome it is

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Adrian B.G.

Yes, but I will never use Udemy. I heard many horror stories, lots of content theft and they take 50% of the income (for most sells).

BaseCS looks great, but has other audience, most ppl I know learn exclusive from videos, not text. And also it has the same issues as the others, there are no real life examples or practical use of the theory.

I have a more unique overview based on my experience and the fact that I study CS, architecture and distributed systems. I can make some correlations between these with examples in a few languages as well.

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Kelvin Wangonya


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Ben Halpern
