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Bhagvan Kommadi
Bhagvan Kommadi

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Open AI Codex playground

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started working on Open AI codex playground.

The playground takes the instructions to create the javascript code. The comments are the instructions.

/* print a string open ai codex */

var aiCodex = document.createElement('div');
aiCodex.innerHTML = '<a href="">OpenAI Baselines: Proximal Policy Optimization</a>';
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Looks like OpenAI Codex did not understand the instruction right.

/* say hello */


var hello = document.createElement('div');
hello.innerHTML = 'Hello';
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


say hello came out right

/* calculate 3*4 */

var threeTimesFour = document.createElement('div');
threeTimesFour.innerHTML = '3*4 = ' + (3*4);

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


In the next post, we will look at complex examples.....

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