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Takuma Otake
Takuma Otake

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[Python] Extracting characters inside quotes and manipulating strings outside of quotes

Hello everybody.
This is an English translation and modification of the article (link) posted in Japanese in advance.

When I was programming in Python recently, I had a hard time finding a library for string manipulation without parentheses, so I decided to publish the code I wrote for this purpose in a library.
I'm not sure if there is enough demand for this library, so I'm holding off on releasing it on PyPI.

Release site

Project name: Splitable str
Module name: sstr

How to use

Example 1: Extract the words in square brackets in a sentence

from sstr import sstr

text = "Is this an [apple]? No, it's an [orange]. Then give me a [grape]."
text_ = sstr(text)
surrounded_words = []
for part in text_.divide_and_classify(enclosure=[['[', ']']]):
    if part[1] == True:
        word = part[0]
print(surrounded_words)  # ['apple', 'orange', 'grape']

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Example 2: Count the number of "water" in a sentence (exclude the part in double quotes from the search)

from sstr import sstr

text = 'One person said that "water is infinite", but water is finite by any means.'
text_ = sstr(text)
quantity = text_.scount('water', enclosure='"')
print(quantity)  # 1

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You can check other usage examples in the README.

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