Today we will be talking about finding missing data from the image we sent over the network. From our previous example of sending an image over a network, we are going to check if any pixels were lost during the transfer
First off we will try to map out an algorithm for detecting an error in the image file.
Receive a pixel
Store position of the pixel
Receive the next
Check if the pixels are in the correct order i.e pixel1, pixel2
If they are not then there is a missing pixel
Get the position of the missing pixel
Continue this 6 steps repeatedly until the image is sent
Send a request for missing pixels
Open image
And insert missing pixels into their position
Because we are transferring images on the same machine I induced an error by skipping any pixel with an odd Y value.
This is the code that sends the image
from socket import *
from pickle import *
from PIL import Image
import time
#create a socket
sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
#open image
image ="100kb.png")
#get image size
width, height = image.size
for x in range(width):
for y in range(height):
#get the position in the two dimensional array
pos = (x, y)
rgba = image.getpixel(pos)
message = (pos, rgba)
if y % 2 == 0:
msg = dumps(message)
sockfd.sendto(msg, ("", 9916))
message = "done"
msg = dumps(message)
sockfd.sendto(msg, ("", 9916))
def send_missing_pixel():
while True:
msg, cli_addr = sockfd.recvfrom(1024)
pos = loads(msg)
if pos == "done":
rgba = image.getpixel(pos)
data = (pos, rgba)
data = dumps(data)
sockfd.sendto(data, cli_addr)
Code to receive the image and ask for missing pixels
from socket import *
from pickle import *
from PIL import Image
import time
#viewer = ImageViewer()
sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
sockfd.bind(("", 9916))
height = 170
width = 272
isize = (height, width)
#image = open("image2.png", "x")
image4 ="RGBA", size=(width, height))
pixels = image4.load()
#the following variables for storing positions of missing pixels
error_pos = []
pos1 = None
x = []
y = []
def get_pixel_data():
j = 0
x1 = []
e_count = 0
#erro counter
error_count = 0
while True:
j = j + 1
msg, cli_addr = sockfd.recvfrom(1024)
message = loads(msg)
if message == "done":"image3.png")
pos = message[0]
rgba = message[1]
#setting pixels into image file
pixels[pos[0], pos[1]] = rgba
#stroing postitions to check if there is a missing pixel
xy = (pos[0], pos[1])
s = j - 1
if len(x1) > 1:
#checking difference betwwen previous coordinates and present coordinates
xnums = x1[s][0] - x1[s-1][0]
ynums = x1[s][1] - x1[s-1][1]
#this will check if the difference Y returns a negative
#that means a new X value and recalculate the Y value
if ynums < 0:
ynums = height - x1[s-1][1] + x1[s][1]
#iterate through the difference and create a list of missing pixel positions
if ynums > 1:
for i in range(1, ynums):
if xnums > 1:
un = x1[s][0] + i
if xnums <= 1:
e = x1[s][0]
un = x1[s][1] + i
_c = (x[e_count], y[e_count])
e_count = e_count + 1
q = len(error_pos)
j1 = width * height
#print(q , e_count)
if e_count == q:
def get_missing_data(cli_addr):
_x = len(error_pos)
image5 ="image3.png")
for i in range(_x):
e_pos = error_pos[i]
msg = dumps(e_pos)
sockfd.sendto(msg, cli_addr)
msg, cli_addr = sockfd.recvfrom(1024)
message = loads(msg)
pos = message[0]
rgba = message[1]
pixels = image5.load()
pixels[pos[0], pos[1]] = rgba
print(pixels[pos[0], pos[1]])"image3.png")
x = "done"
msg = dumps(x)
sockfd.sendto(msg, cli_addr)
Photo by Umberto on Unsplash
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