DEV Community

Jack Lin
Jack Lin

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Try Alpaca-LoRA on my laptop

Alpaca-LoRA is an open-source project that reproduces results from Stanford Alpaca using Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) techniques. It provides an Instruct model of similar quality to text-davinci-003, runs on a Raspberry Pi (for research), and the code is easily extended to 13b, 30b and 65b models.

It is impressive that Alpaca-LoRA can scale down the model to run on personal computers without relying on GPU, which I found very intriguing. As a result, I tried the model myself and leaved some screenshots. The whole process is on i7-10750H CPU, 32 GB RAM. The OS is Ubuntu 22.04.



Run the program
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Resource usage
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Screenshots of inputs and responses, each response takes 330 to 420 seconds (Maybe the memory is exhausted and swap is used, so it is very slow?)
Ask it a sample question:
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Ask it to write me a BMI calculator:
The BMI program is correct, it also provides parameter annotations.
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Ask it to write me Tower of Hanoi:
The program seems wrong.
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Ask it "what is machine learning?" in Chinese and have it answer in Chinese:
It can understand Chinese but can only answer in English.
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The github user ggerganov writes an tensor library for machine learning in C called ggml. Then he ports ggml to LLaMA model, change 16-bit float into smaller value type, and use AVX2 or NEON to accelerate on CPU. See his comment for more information.

The smallest model alpaca-lora-7B-ggml only weights 4GB and can run on a raspberry pi. See the video. I wanted to try this as well, but there's a breaking change recently, not sure if this model works now. So I tried alpaca-lora-30B-ggml. It still executes very slowly, and there seems to be a small bug in the interactive command line. Hope it will be improved to be usable in the future.
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