DEV Community

Bocancea Ionut
Bocancea Ionut

Posted on

Google Signin release error.

Hello. My app works fine on a simulator but crashes when I release it in testflight.
Libraries that I use:
Those are relevant and you will understand why.
I followed advice from the internet and changed the scheme to 'release'. And I get this error at this line after adding a breakpoint:
line: [[GIDSignIn sharedInstance] restorePreviousSignIn]; in RNGoogleSignin.m
error: Thread 1: "You must specify |clientID| for |GIDSignIn|"

Extra, I submitted the crash from testflight and I opened it with Xcode. I get the error at the same line but different texting: Last Exception Backtrace (0)

I need to mention that I pass the clientId using react-native-config library.

Can you help me? :)


Late edit: I use Xcode12 and react-native v0.63.3

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