This is a submission for Twilio Challenge v24.06.12
What I Built
This is whatapp HR Bot that allows HR manager to load a CSV file for employee FAQs and then the employees can ask questions about it using natural language. The application uses an LLM to generate a response about your CSV File and then sends to WhatsApp via the Twilio API
You can try it out by scanning the QR Code in the image or by texting the code to join something primitive to the number +14155238886 on WhatsApp. Next, ask a sample question such as What are the office hours or any other HR-related question
source code
WhatApp HR Bot for Twilio challenge
Twilio and AI
I used the langchain to utilise the openAI API to train the frequent Asked Questions(FAQs) information from the CSV file and then answer questions to the whatsapp user using the Twilio Programmable Messaging (WhatsApp Sandbox) and Twilio Programmable Voice for sending voice call responses.
Additional Prize Categories
Twilio Times Two - The project uses Twilio Programmable Messaging (WhatsApp Sandbox).
Impactful Innovators - The project empowers employees to get access to employees handbook information without over burdening the HR manager
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