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Multi-process vs Multi-threading

Multi-process refers to the execution of multiple processes at the same time, where each process has its own memory space and runs independently of the others. This allows for true parallelism and can be useful for tasks that are computationally intensive or need to run concurrently for other reasons. However, communication between processes can be more difficult and resource-intensive.

Multi-threading, on the other hand, refers to the execution of multiple threads within a single process. These threads share the same memory space and can easily communicate with each other. This makes inter-thread communication more efficient and can be useful for tasks that are more IO-bound. However, true parallelism may not be achieved as multiple threads may not be executed simultaneously on different cores.

In terms of design, SQL databases are often used for transactional data where ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties are required. SQL databases are well suited for complex queries and reporting. NoSQL databases, on the other hand, are more suited for storing large amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data, scalability and performance under high loads.

In terms of use case, SQL databases are often used in enterprise applications, online transaction processing systems and data warehousing applications. NoSQL databases are often used in real-time big data applications, content management systems, and other web-scale applications.

Multi-process Multi-thread
Each process has its own memory space and resources Threads share the same memory space and resources
Inter-process communication can be more complex and slower Inter-thread communication is faster and simpler
Can take advantage of multiple CPUs or cores Limited by the number of cores available
Can handle multiple tasks with different priorities more effectively Prioritization of threads may be more difficult
More memory overhead Less memory overhead
Better isolation and protection against errors or crashes Error or crash in one thread can affect other threads

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