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Boudy de Geer
Boudy de Geer

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Authentication in Nuxt3 with Sidebase Nuxt-Auth

This tutorial aims to simplify the process of adding robust authentication mechanisms, whether you're looking to implement social logins, email verification, or traditional username and password authentication.

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Introduction to Sidebase Nuxt-Auth

Sidebase Nuxt-Auth is a powerful authentication module tailored for Nuxt3 applications. It facilitates the integration of diverse authentication methods, making your application secure and accessible.
Here you can find the documentation thanks to @danielroe and all other devs that maintain and contribute to the project

Getting Your Project Ready

Before diving into the authentication setup, make sure you have a Nuxt3 application up and running. If you're just starting, here's how to create a new Nuxt3 project:

npx nuxi init nuxt3-app
cd nuxt3-app
npm install
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Next, add the necessary authentication packages to your project:

npm install @next-auth/prisma-adapter next-auth @prisma/client bcrypt
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Configuring Sidebase Nuxt-Auth

The core of setting up Sidebase Nuxt-Auth lies in its configuration.

Let's break it down:

Step 1: Authentication Handler Setup

Initialize the NuxtAuthHandler with your secret and session strategy:

import { NuxtAuthHandler } from '#auth'

export default NuxtAuthHandler({
  secret: 'A_Strong_Secret',
  session: { strategy: 'jwt' },
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Step 2: Adding Authentication Providers

Sidebase Nuxt-Auth supports various providers. Here's how to add some common ones:

Email Provider:

  server: process.env.EMAIL_SERVER,
  from: process.env.EMAIL_FROM,
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Social Providers (e.g., GitHub, Google):

  clientId: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_ID,
  clientSecret: process.env.GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET,
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Step 3: Customizing Authentication Pages and Callbacks

Specify custom routes for authentication actions in your configuration:

pages: {
  signIn: '/auth/login',
  signOut: '/auth/logout',

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Use callbacks for additional control over the authentication flow:

callbacks: {
  async signIn({ user }) {
    // Custom logic here
    return true;
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Securely Storing Secrets

Remember to use environment variables for storing sensitive information like client secrets, avoiding hard-coded values in your source code.

Implementing User Registration
A crucial part of managing user authentication is allowing users to register. Here's a basic overview:

Define an Event Handler:

Start by creating an event handler that processes registration requests:

import { hash } from 'bcrypt';

export default defineEventHandler(async (event) => {
  // Registration logic here
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Read and Validate User Input:

Ensure the provided information is valid and the user doesn't already exist:

const body = await readBody(event);
const userExists = /* logic to check if user exists */;
if (userExists) {
  // Handle existing user case
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Store User Credentials Securely:

Hash the user's password and store the new user in the database:

const hashedPassword = await hash(body.password, 10);
// Logic to create user record
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Final Thoughts

Integrating Sidebase Nuxt-Auth enhances your Nuxt3 project's security and user experience by offering a streamlined authentication system. By following the steps outlined, you can set up a versatile authentication system that caters to a wide range of use cases.

Remember, the effectiveness of your authentication system not only lies in its setup but also in regular maintenance and adherence to security best practices.

Thanks ๐Ÿ‘‹ for reading and supporting!

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