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Jonathan Bowman
Jonathan Bowman

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Python Tools for Managing Virtual Environments

A Python virtual environment is "a self-contained directory tree that contains a Python installation for a particular version of Python, plus a number of additional packages" (quote from the official docs).

Cue the requisite xkcd comic:

XKCD comic about Python virtual environment disorganization

The moral of the story: be intentional and organized with Python virtual environments and try not to pollute your system Python environment, or it gets messy.

Due to the potential messiness, numerous tools have arisen to help with managing these virtual environments. This article describes and demonstrates a few.

How to use this guide

This guide engages a variety of questions and audiences, reflecting the voices that exist in my own head.

  • How do virtual environments work, practically? See the venv summary
  • How can my tool of choice be used to manage virtual environments? After reading about venv, find your tool in the table of contents for a brief intro. (Or suggest a tool I missed in the comments!)
  • What tools are available for managing virtual environments? Read the whole article! Scan the table of contents first. Give criticism and suggestions in the comments.
  • Which tools is right for me? Probably virtualenv, Poetry, or possibly Conda. I engage such discernment at the end.

Use venv, included in Python

Side note: the virtualenv command is a "superset" of the native python -m venv command documented in this section. In fact, if you want the speed and added features of virtualenv, just substitute virtualenv anywhere you see python -m venv in the following. See virtualenv usage and installation instructions below.

Thankfully, the venv module and pip are usually included in your Python installation. To create a virtual environment in the directory .venv, try the following:

python -m venv .venv

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To parse that out a bit more: use the Python executable for the Python version you want to use in the virtual environment. That might be called python, as above, or it might be python3 or python3.8 or python3.9 or even pypy3; you get the idea. Then tell it to execute the venv module, followed by the name of the directory in which you want the virtual environment to reside. As seen above, I usually use the name .venv or, for more visibility, venv.

There should be a pause, followed by a new directory named .venv that you can see using ls or dir (on Mac and Linux, this will be invisible due to the . prefix, unless you use ls -a). You may use any directory name you like instead of .venv.

If you instead see something like "The virtual environment was not created successfully because ensurepip is not available" or other distro ridiculousness, follow the instructions given or read how to install pip and venv.

Activate the virtual environment

Now you may activate the virtual environment with

source ./venv/bin/activate

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or, on Windows:


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If not using Bash or Powershell, you might look in the ./venv/bin or .\venv\Scripts directory to see other options for CMD, fish, or csh.

Once activated, the command prompt should change to be prefixed by the name of the virtual environment directory. Something like:

(.venv) [default command prompt] $

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That (.venv) (or whatever you named it) is the sign that you have activated your virtual environment. It will not stay active after you reboot your machine or launch a different shell or terminal tab. Get used to running the activation script.

Editors/IDEs will sometimes have a way of managing and even automatically activating the virtual environment. There are VSCode instructions, plugins for Atom, for Vim, for Sublime, and of course PyCharm.

Once activated, you should be able to try something like this:

(.venv) $ python
>>> import sys
>>> sys.executable

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See how the executable is inside your virtual environment directory? If the virtual environment is not active, the sys.executable should read something like '/usr/bin/python' or 'C:\\Python38\\python.exe' instead.

Executing Python scripts within a virtual environment

You can execute python scripts in two ways:

  • Activate the virtual environment then run python
  • Even without activating, run the script using the virtual environment's python, like ./.venv/bin/python

Deactivating the virtual environment

To exit the virtual environment, deactivate it, like so:

(.venv) $ deactivate

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Easy. To re-activate, repeat the directions above.

Install stuff

Re-activate the virtual environment, and install something with pip:

(.venv) $ pip install arrow

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Packages and dependencies should be installed, and then you can import and use the package.

You can log off, forget about Python, come back in a few weeks, and re-activate your virtual environment. The packages will still be installed. But only in this virtual environment. It does not pollute your system Python environment or other virtual environments.

Destroy a virtual environment

"My virtual environment is beyond repair," you say? It happens. That is the safety of using virtual environments. What to do?

Burn it down.

rm -r .venv

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All gone. Hope you remember the list of packages (you did a pip freeze or pip list first to get the list, right?)

Then re-create the virtual environment, as documented above.


The virtualenv tool is very similar to python -m venv. In fact, Python's venv module is based on virtualenv. However, using virtualenv in place of python -m venv has some immediately apparent advantages:

  • virtualenv is generally faster than python -m venv
  • Tools like pip, setuptools, and wheel are often more up-to-date, cached (hence the performance boost). In virtualenv terms, these are seed packages. And, yes, you can add other seed packages.

virtualenv usage

Some nice virtualenv commands:

  • virtualenv --help will, at the end, show you where the config file should be, in case you want to set a common configuration
  • virtualenv --upgrade-embed-wheels will update all the seed packages, like pip, etc., to the latest versions.

Otherwise, follow the instructions for venv, above, but use virtualenv instead of python -m venv.

virtualenv installation

You may be able to install virtualenv from your package manager's repositories (using apt or dnf, for instance).

But I highly recommend using pipx. Feel free to read my article on pipx, "How do I install a Python command line tool or script?" for explanation and instructions.

Once you have pipx installed, you should be able to:

pipx install virtualenv

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virtualenv and venv are useful and simple, doing what they do well. Poetry is another tool for conveniently managing not only virtual environments, but project and dependency management.

Feel free to read my intro to managing projects with Poetry to get started with the tool.

As with Pipenv, the Python docs have an almost-official almost-recommendation of Poetry. In the Managing Application Dependencies tutorial (itself a guide to using Pipenv), it is written that we "should also consider the poetry project as an alternative dependency management solution."

With that glowing endorsement, let's try out Poetry.

Poetry installation

You can follow my Poetry intro or the official docs to install Poetry.

Decide where Poetry places virtual environments

By default, Poetry has a central location to install the virtual environments. This is nice, if you don't want your project directories to be cluttered with the virtual environment directory (in other words, if you don't like to see a venv or .venv directory in your project).

If, like me, you are more of a traditionalist and want the virtual environment files in a .venv directory in each project, try this:

poetry config true

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This will globally configure poetry to do so.

Interacting with the Poetry virtual environment

Poetry is for project management, so to create a new virtual environment, first create the project directory and enter that directory:

poetry new my_project
cd my_project

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The first time the virtual environment is needed, it will be created automatically.

To activate the virtual environment:

poetry shell

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To exit this virtual environment, quit with exit, Ctrl-d or however you like to quit your shell.

Without first entering the virtual environment, you can execute any command available in the environment by using poetry run. For instance,

poetry run python

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should get you a Python prompt within the virtual environment.

Adding packages with Poetry

Unlike with the traditional approach, with Poetry, we should not use pip install to install packages. Instead, use poetry add.

poetry add arrow

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The above will install arrow and record it as a dependency in the pyproject.toml file.

You may see all sorts of other Poetry commands with poetry help.



Interestingly enough, the official Python "Installing Packages" tutorial specifically states that "Managing multiple virtual environments directly can become tedious, so..." and then references Pipenv.

Even though this almost-official almost-recommendation exists, I still use virtualenv because it is solid and simple or Poetry because it provides excellent project and dependency management.

That said, Pipenv has been popular for some time, and deserves attention and respect. If you love it, you have good reason.

Installing Pipenv

While the Pipenv docs recommend using pip or your package manager, I would highly recommend using pipx to install Pipenv. You can read more about installing and using pipx here. Then...

pipx install pipenv

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Interacting with Pipenv's virtual environment

With Pipenv, it is important to first create a directory for your project. (Actually, that is a good move with any tool.)

The first time the virtual environment is needed, it will be created automatically.

To activate the virtual environment:

pipenv shell

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To exit this virtual environment, quit with exit, Ctrl-d or however you like to quit your shell (if you tried the Poetry commands above, this all should start to feel kinda familiar).

Without first entering the virtual environment, you can execute any command available in the environment by using pipenv run. For instance,

pipenv run python

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should get you a Python prompt within the virtual environment.

Installing packages with Pipenv

Rather than using pip install to install packages, Pipenv uses pipenv install.

pipenv install arrow

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The above will install arrow and record it as a dependency in the Pipfile in the current directory.

You may see all sorts of other Poetry commands with pipenv -h


I admit I like new and shiny things. A bit of a magpie in that regard.

Magpie picture

If you asked me for a recommended tool to make virtual environments easy, I would ask you about your project and your desires, then usually suggest either virtualenv or Poetry.

But if you were wanting to try something a little obscure but quite promising, especially if you deal with varying versions of Python, then Pyflow should be fun. Take Poetry, add slick Python version management, tip your hat to conda, and write the whole thing in Rust, and it will look a bit like Pyflow. Time will tell if Pyflow matures and gains community acceptance; for now, I enjoy taking it for a spin every once in a while.

Install Pyflow

To install Pyflow, go to the Pyflow releases page, and download and install the package appropriate for your platform. See Pyflow's installation instructions for more details.

Interacting with Pyflow's virtual environment

To create a new virtual environment with Pyflow, first create the project:

pyflow new my_project

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A unique thing about Pyflow: it will prompt you for the Python version. Furthermore, if you specify a version that is not yet installed, it will install it for you, and in a fairly speedy manner (not compiling from scratch as pyenv does).

Then make that new directory the current working directory.

cd my_project

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The first time the virtual environment is needed, it will be created automatically.

To launch Python in the virtual environment:

pyflow python

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In fact, you can execute any command available in the environment by using pyflowcommand. This is short for pyflow runcommand.

As far as I can tell, there is not a Pyflow-specific way of activating a virtual environment. You can dig into the installed virtual environment like this:


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That's Windows Powershell. For Mac or Linux:

source ./__pypackages__/3.8/.venv/bin/activate

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However, I have a hunch this is not Pyflow intended usage. Instead, run everything using pyflowcommand or pyflow python.

Installing packages with Pyflow

Like many other tools, with Pyflow you do not use pip install to install packages. Instead, pyflow install will install packages in the virtual environment, and add them to pyproject.toml.

pyflow install arrow

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This will install the arrow package.

You may see all sorts of other Pyflow commands with pyflow help.


If you want to use virtualenv to manage virtual environments and also handle multiple Python versions, pyenv-virtualenv may suit you.

Unsolicited advice about pyenv-virtualenv: Don't use pyenv (or any other Python version management tool) unless you are sure you actually need it. pyenv is not for managing virtual environments. It manages multiple versions of Python. However, you may not need pyenv, even if you have multiple versions of Python installed. On my Fedora system, I just use python3.6, python3.9, etc., and it works. On Windows, py -3.8 and py -3.7 work great. In other words, take a hard look at your needs and pyenv usage before assuming it solves any of your problems that aren't already solved. Thankfully, it is there if you need it. But if you don't, bookmark it for later and keep happily writing code.

More unsolicited advice about pyenv-virtualenv: Pyflow is younger and hipper, and certainly faster, than pyenv-virtualenv, if you are looking for that combination of Python version and virtual environment management. Probably not as battle-tested, though. Conda is another option with baked-in Python version management.

pyenv-virtualenv installation

pyenv-virtualenv is a plugin for pyenv, so that is a prerequisite.

To install pyenv, follow the official instructions or just use the automatic installer. The automatic installer is just curl | bash

pyenv does not work on Windows. There is a Windows fork of pyenv; however, it does not appear to be compatible with pyenv plugins like pyenv-virtualenv.

If you didn't use the automatic installer, then install the pyenv-virtualenv plugin manually, following the official pyvenv-virtualenv instructions. A quick hint, though: git clone $(pyenv root)/plugins/pyenv-virtualenv

Interacting with virtual environments with pyenv-virtualenv

To create a new virtual environment with pyenv-virtualenv, try the following:

pyenv virtualenv 3.8.5 venv38

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This will create a virtual environment in the current directory. The Python version in the environment will be 3.8.5, and the virtual environment will have an alias name "venv38".

If you are unsure what Python versions are available for pyenv to use, try

pyenv versions

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pyenv install --list

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to see what versions are available, so that you can pyenv install one.

Once you have successfully created a virtual environment, it should show up in the list:

pyenv virtualenvs

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There are two entries for every virtual environment, a long one and a shorter alias.

To activate a virtual environment manually, you can use the short alias name:

pyenv activate venv38

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To deactivate:

pyenv deactivate

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Note that pyenv-virtualenv does offer an optional feature that auto-activates virtual environments when you cd into a directory that has a .python-version file that contains the name of a valid virtual environment. This could be pretty slick or pretty annoying depending on your usage patterns. See the installation instructions to activate this feature for your shell. If you used the automatic installer and followed its instructions, this may already be enabled.

Once you are in an activated virtual environment, you can install packages with pip as noted in the venv instructions above.

You may find some command line help with pyenv help and pyenv help virtualenv.



Conda is not just another Python package or environment manager; it is an alternate Python ecosystem. The package repository for conda is different than the PyPI repository used by most package/project managers. The Conda repo has ~1500 packages. The PyPI repo has ~150,000. That said, Conda can be used with pip if that is your need.

Installing Conda

If you want a big kitchen-sink-included Python-and-all-the-science-tools installation, take a look at Anaconda. However, that is an apple vs orange comparison with the other tools in this article. A better fit is miniconda. Miniconda provides the conda command-line tool and just the dependencies necessary to get started. This is all I usually need. If you aren't sure which is right for you, Anaconda or miniconda, there is a helpful comparison.

To install miniconda, find the relevant installer for you, download it and make it happen. There is a chance that your package manager (apt, dnf, brew, etc.) may have Conda as well.

On one of my linux installations, I needed to also first configure Conda to use my shell. As I use Bash, I did this:

conda init bash
conda config --set auto_activate_base false

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The first adds functionality to your .bashrc file, including auto-activation of the "base" Conda environment. I don't always need Conda, so this didn't sit well with me. Hence the second line, which adds a ~/.condarc file in your home directory with that setting in it.

Interacting with Conda virtual environments

To create a new virtual environment, specify the name of the virtual environment that you want to use (it can be anything), and optionally (but recommended), the python version:

conda create --name env38 python=3.8.5

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Once created, you may activate the virtual environment with

conda activate env38

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Make sure you specify the virtual environment name that you previously chose.

To deactivate the virtual environment

conda deactivate

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The conda activate and conda deactivate commands work the same regardless of shell or platform. Nice!

Installing packages with Conda

To install a package with Conda, use conda install, and make sure you have the virtual environment activated already with conda activate.

conda install arrow

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The above will install the "arrow" package. One cool thing about Conda: it will tell you exactly where it is going to do what. So, you know for sure if it is installing the package within the virtual environment (and which one) or system-wide. Conda is talkative, and I love that.


Hatch is a bit like Pyflow in that it is hip (uses pyproject.toml for instance), obscure, and does lots of things. It is certainly the most assertive tool I have seen for pre-populating tests.

Installing Hatch

I suggest using pipx to install Hatch. You may read my article on pipx, "How do I install a Python command line tool or script?" for explanation and instructions.

pipx install hatch

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Interacting with Hatch's virtual environment

To create a new virtual environment with Hatch, first create the project:

hatch new my_project

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Note: Hatch can use Conda to manage Python versions. In fact, hatch conda will install miniconda to the location of your choosing. If you have miniconda installed in this way, you can use something like hatch new -py 3.8.5 my_project to specify a Python version.

hatch new creates the virtual environment automatically. You can make that new directory the current working directory.

cd my_project

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Then use hatch shell to enter the virtual environment. You should be able to launch Python, etc. from the new shell.

To exit this virtual environment, quit with exit, Ctrl-d or however you like to quit your shell.

Installing packages with Hatch

Like many other tools, with Hatch you do not use pip install to install packages. Instead, hatch install will install packages in the virtual environment.

hatch install arrow

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This will install the "arrow" package.

Unsolicited complaint: What is, I admit, thoroughly confusing to me is that at this point Hatch does not appear to update any of the likely suspects: pyproject.toml,, or requirements.txt. I suspect this is by design: the user must be deliberate and manually add the packages in the correct location. Which location is correct is, I suppose, up to you.

You may see various other Hatch commands with hatch -h.

Which tool to choose?

Choosing a tools is really a subjective matter. Who are you, what do you do with Python, and what are your needs/desires?

Unsolicited advice about tool choice: use Poetry

Here are more nuanced opinions, some of which are thoughtful and fair.

  • Are you building a package/project and want a Swiss-army style tool that takes care of a lot for you, and has growing acceptance among the Python community? Poetry
  • Are you a minimalist/traditionist/curmudgeon and proud of it? venv (virtualenv if you are OK with an additional tool)
  • Are you writing a simple, possibly short-lived, one-off script? venv unless you already have virtualenv installed
  • Do you want to manage a lot of different Python versions and the packages you need are in the Conda repo? Conda
  • Do you want to manage a lot of different Python versions and you don't want (only) Conda? pyenv-virtualenv
  • Do you want to manage a lot of different Python versions and you are the early-adopter take-a-risk type? Pyflow
  • Are you a data scientist? Consider Conda
  • Do you already use ______ and love it? Use that.
  • Have you tried ______ and hate it? Use one of the others.

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Top comments (16)

lico profile image
SeongKuk Han

Thank you so much!

yarongon profile image

Great read!
I'm currently using miniconda for managing both Python versions and virtual environments. I'd like to move to Poetry for managing virtual envs, however, as far as I understand, Poetry's virtual envs are coupled with the directory. What I like about miniconda is that the virtual envs are decoupled from the directory. You simply conda activate it.
Do know if Poetry can work like that?

bowmanjd profile image
Jonathan Bowman • Edited

That is my understanding as well: Poetry is for project management. A project lives in a directory. And the project gets its own virtual environment.

In other words, they are solving slightly different problems.

If you are primarily interested in managing environments with different Python versions, you may be interested in coupling Poetry with pyenv, and utilizing the poetry env command.

You can read a fuller explanation in the Poetry docs.

plastikfan profile image

What do you mean by project management? Do you mean building the package, linting, running tests, etc, as opposed to managing the environment? This needs to be explicit because the difference between poetry and say conda is very subtle and I am trying to really understand the difference between the 2. Since poetry can manage a project's environment, does that mean we can have a conda env at the same time as a poetry project env? In this scenario, the developer would install a projects deps into the poetry env, and then install wider dependencies into the conda env. Does that make sense or is it total rubbish!?

jefftriplett profile image
Jeff Triplett (he/him)

Nice article.

I'm a fan of pyenv and virtualenv, but I install pyenv + pyenv-virtualenvwrapper and I skip pyenv-virtualenv which gives the nice features of virtualenvwrapper without needing the rest. So workon, mkvirtualenv, and hooks all work well.

Throwing this out there for anyone wondering if virtualenvwrapper still works.

bowmanjd profile image
Jonathan Bowman

Really good point! Thanks for pointing that out.

I didn't explore virtualenvwrapper in this article because I was hoping to be cross-platform, and I don't believe virtualenvwrapper works on Windows. I would love to be wrong, as I hear good things about it.

99hats profile image

So how do you install a requirement to hatch??

bowmanjd profile image
Jonathan Bowman

Are you just curious, like me, or are you considering using hatch? Did hatch install [package] work for you?

I assume the responsibility is on the developer then, to do a pip freeze > requirements.txt or the like. I'd love to hear differently if you figure it out, though.

99hats profile image

Hatch uses pip, so hatch install [package] works. The docs could use a little more rounding out.

After using pipenv, poetry, pyenv-virtualenv, hatch, flit and pyflow, I've landed on hatch for windows as the most tolerable. I think I've run into trouble trying to use pyenv-win which isn't necessary. Instead one can just install any python version and run it as py -3.7 or py -3.8, so no need to mess with your paths.

On windows when using hatch shell I lose readline which I can't live without so I just use venv\Script\activate.

Thank you for your enjoyable articles. A good read even if I think I know the subject.

Thread Thread
99hats profile image

And adding to requirements is manual. Usually I add it to the configurable part of I don't think this is in the docs anywhere either but there is a note in

Thread Thread
bowmanjd profile image
Jonathan Bowman

Fascinating. Glad you are finding hatch useful. I should dig into hatch more.

I totally agree that pyenv or pyenv-win is often unnecessary when on a system (such as Windows or Fedora Linux) that allows the installation of multiple Python versions easily.

Readline. So necessary. I use ptpython a lot on Windows, as well.

Thank you! I am honored that you are reading.

marcusobrien profile image
Marcus O'Brien

I use Conda for ML, due to the fact its easy to set up the right versions of all the python packages that work with CUDA, so I can use my GPU. I also use WinPy with venv to create simple python environments. I try to never use any system installed python, so on my Windows path I have no python, pip, python3, pip3 etc. This prevents a colossal amount of confusion I had when starting out with Conda and virtual environments. Now I know I am installing with the right pip for example because there isn't any other on my path, the only one is the venv or conda pip and python after I activate. So, I run a WinPy shell to create any new venvs, or conda shell for conda envs, then I can activate these from any shell when I want to use them.

But my question is, is there an easy way to manage all these envs, something that lists all the versions, creates versions in the same parent folder, where you can run a shell and activate one etc. I find myself forgetting where I have installed everything, so I have a listpyenvs.bat that lists all my venvs as they are in the same root folder.

I would like a small GUI app that I can click on to start a shell - currently I use Windows Terminal and have it setup to start a cmd shell and activate the pyenv etc, but I have to keep adding new pyenvs to the Windows terminal json config file. So is there anything that manages all these environments ?

plastikfan profile image

Great article. I'm just starting out with Python and drowning in a sea of complexity. The language is easy to learn, but the myriad of tools isnt. I'm a dev, looking to create new packages and clis, not a data scientist/or ai specialist. I am using cookietemple to boilerplate new projects and using poetry & conda together. I havent yet found a good article/documentation that explains using both together. I understand what an env is, and how to manage with conda, but an issue I have is package dependencies. If I decide that in creating my-package, I need a dependency (not a dev dep), should I install that with conda or poetry? I think that it should be poetry because as I understand it, if I install with conda, that installs to the environment, when I really want it to be a package dependency. So am I right with this?

cryptogeekus profile image
Crypto Geek

I have never used virtual Envs. I will start using them. Thank you so much for this share.


soapergem profile image
Gordon Myers

Or suggest a tool I missed in the comments!

Would you consider updating this guide to cover pdm? They claim to do all the things Poetry does, but better.

bowmanjd profile image
Jonathan Bowman

Thank you for that suggestion, @soapergem ! When I next update the article, I will certainly consider pdm.

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