
Boyd Kelly
Boyd Kelly

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Looking for vscode and git coconut oil for complete novices

Hi, I'm coming from an nvim poweruser and linux background. I haven't used windows outside of work for 20 years. That said I need to get someone with very basic office computer skills set up with vscode and git. Any suggestions on what extensions would be best? Here are a couple of examples of initial issues/observations. (and there are problably a lot more!)

1) Vscode asks if you want to fetch periodically. I answered NO! Because I only want to merge. There is very low probablitly of any conflicts and if there are we can deal with it. The user doesn't even have to know what merge and fetch are. The file is 'synced' to the cloud. Period. Can't vscode ask me if I want to merge periodically? That would be ideal. Maybe there is a setting for that.

2) After initial install (with no extensions) the user has edited a file then (it seems to me) they must save it with a ctrl-s, then it appears under changed files in the navigator.

The user has to then stage and commit the changes, and then click on the minucule sync icon on the bar at the bottom of the screen. This is ok, (we can deal with it),but is there an extension that would allow the user to click on something and have it stage, commit and push no questions asked?

3) NEW FILES: If the user creates a new file there is a U showing it as untracked. But it seems really convoluted (for this type of user) to go to the command pallet and add this. It seems to me that out of the box, vscode would have an icon or at worst a right click button for this??? Similar to the tiny icon to stage changes???

OK, I think you get the point, we need this to be as easy and transparent as possible. Any suggestions appreciated!

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