So, I successfully deployed Forem on DigitalOcean using the Selfhost Guide, but refused to connect due to an internal bug. While troubleshooting, I discovered that some Forem containers were not running. It seems a bug is causing the forem-rails.service
A similar case was reported here, but there has been no positive feedback and/or resolution till date.
[core@www ( ~]$
[core@www ( ~]$ systemctl list-units --type=service | grep forem
forem-imgproxy.service loaded active running Forem Imgproxy Service
forem-openresty.service loaded inactive dead start Forem OpenResty Service
forem-pod.service loaded active running Forem pod service
forem-postgresql.service loaded active running Forem Postgresql Service
● forem-rails.service loaded activating auto-restart start Forem Rails Service
forem-redis.service loaded active running Forem Redis Service
forem-traefik.service loaded inactive dead start Forem Traefik Service
forem-worker.service loaded inactive dead start Forem Worker Service
forem.service loaded active exited Forem Service
[core@www ( ~]$
Note: I have deployed Selfhost to DigitalOcean on multiple occasions over the years, and it usually went well. I guess this error is due to the latest updates in Forem core.
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