DEV Community

Adam Alex
Adam Alex

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Recently, I was approached by a couple of close friends of mine to help tech them programming and web development. I was like wow! Never tried that though but will give it a shot. So I created a new channel on YouTube and also created a WhatsApp group where I included a few others that wanted to also learn basic coding. I recorded a tutorial on how the web works as a start. Then took them through the roadmap to becoming a full stack web developer. I now started with the building blocks by recording a tutorial on html 5 which I made as a crash course. After recording the tutorials, I upload them on my YouTube channel and share the link to them on the WhatsApp platform. I also give them more insights about the tutorials on the WhatsApp platform. reviews are taken then I give them a few days to practice on their own then we move forward. Apparently, we are on CSS3. I made the CSS as a playlist since I want to take my time and really explain most of the important concepts to them. I just uploaded another video on CSS position and display properties on my channel and they have started practicing. Super excited about that though.

Top comments (2)

mccurcio profile image
Matt Curcio

As they say in New Zealand, "Good on-Ya!"

Show the links, you got me curious. ;))

bralexsvg profile image
Adam Alex

Below is the link to my YouTube channel